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Chemical Control

Many mosquito problems that trouble homeowners and the general population cannot be eliminated through individual efforts, but instead, must be managed through an organized effort. These efforts often include treating breeding areas to kill larvae and spraying by ground equipment to kill adult mosquitoes. The Labels/MSDS of the chemicals used by Leon County Mosquito Control can be found below.

Listed below are several fact sheets from the US Environmental Protection Agency discussing larvicides and adulticides used in mosquito control.

US EPA - Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings

US EPA - Larvicides for Mosquito Control

US EPA - Pesticides and Mosquito Control

US EPA - Synthetic Pyrethroids for Mosquito Control

Labels and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Listed below are the chemicals used by Leon County Mosquito Control to control mosquitoes.


Larvicides are chemicals used to control the larval stage of an insect.


Adulticides are chemicals used to control the adult stage of an insect.

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