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Mosquito Control Education and Information

Education plays a major role in Leon County Mosquito Control. The main focus is source reduction with the mission of “Finding Them before They Find You.” Using live models, non-static exhibits and lively presentations, knowledge of how everyone who lives in Leon County can find mosquito breeding sites and what to do about them is increased. The outcome encourages a partnership between Mosquito Control and residents in the fight against mosquitoes.

In addition to presentations to adult groups, organizations, business, homeowners and neighborhood associations, Mosquito Control has developed educational programs for school children from grades three through high school. When everyone does their part in eliminating places where mosquitoes breed in their yards and neighborhoods, we can all enjoy our outdoor time more and lessen the incidence of the diseases some mosquitoes carry.

Please visit these web pages to learn more

Remember the “Five D’s” of actions you can take to protect yourselves from biting mosquitoes.

  • Dusk & Dawn – Stay indoors when mosquitoes are biting
  • Dress – Wear clothing that protects your skin from bites. Long sleeves and long pants are best. Mosquitoes will find uncovered spots to bite.
  • Drain – Empty or flush with clean water every three days, all containers holding water around your property.
  • DEET – Use a mosquito repellent containing DEET and follow directions carefully. Cover the area of skin to be treated carefully. Use repellent on outer clothing as well as skin. Keep repellents away from eyes, nostrils and lips. Check with your child’s doctor before applying repellent to an infant or small child.  Other CDC-recommended repellents include picaridin and oil of lemon/eucalyptus.

Myths and Facts about Mosquitoes

Mosquito Myths vs. Facts

Myth: Both female and male mosquitoes bite.

Fact: Only the female mosquito bites. She uses the protein from your blood to develop her eggs. The male mosquito feeds on nectar from flowers. 

Myth: All mosquitoes carry disease.

Fact: Only a few species of mosquitoes pose a health threat in Leon County. 

Myth: Mosquitoes die after they bite.

Fact: Mosquitoes are capable of biting more than once. After the female mosquito takes a blood meal and completes the development of her eggs, numbering up to 200, she may then seek another blood meal to develop more eggs. 

Myth: Mosquitoes can transmit HIV/AIDS

Fact: There is no scientific evidence to support the theory that mosquitoes can transmit the HIV virus. 

Myth: Only the female mosquito makes a buzzing sound.

Fact: The buzzing sound you hear is from the beating of the wings. Both female and male wings make a buzzing sound. Most people don't hear the male mosquito because it doesn't bite. 

Myth: Bats and Purple Martin birds are very effective at controlling mosquitoes.

Fact: Bats and Purple Martins are indiscriminate feeders and will eat any sory of insect that flies by. Since they don't concentrate on mosquitoes, they rarely have any substantial effect on the mosquito population. 

Myth: Bug zappers are good for controlling mosquitoes.

Fact: Bug zappers kill many kinds of insects, including beneficial ones. Bug zappers do more harm than good. 


Source Reduction

The most effective way to control mosquitoes is to find and eliminate their breeding sites. Eliminating large breeding areas such as swamps or sluggishly moving streams or ditches requires community-wide efforts. Permanent source reduction measures include ditching, and draining swampy mosquito breeding areas.

Residents can take the following steps to prevent mosquito breeding on their own property:

  1. Dump out or dispose of tin cans, old tires, buckets, plastic swimming pools or other containers that collect and hold even small amounts of water. Do not allow water to accumulate at the base of flower pots or in pet dishes for more than 2 days.
  2. Clean debris from rain gutters. Check around faucets and air conditioner units and repair leaks to eliminate standing water. Rake up fallen magnolia tree leaves and bag or compost.
  3. Change water in bird baths and wading pools at least twice a week and stock ornamental pools with mosquito fish provided by Mosquito Control.
  4. Remove, drain or fill tree holes and stumps with mortar, or flush with clean water weekly.
  5. Eliminate seepage from cisterns, cesspools, and septic tanks.
  6. Eliminate standing water around animal watering troughs and flush troughs with fresh water weekly.
  7. Irrigate lawns and gardens only when necessary, to prevent water from standing for several days. Check low spots in yard and fill to eliminate standing water.
  8. Keep weeds and lawn trimmed and mowed.

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