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Veteran's Court

Teresa Broxton, Director

Phone: 850-606-5600

Shenika Broxsie, Veteran's Treatment Court Officer

Phone: 850-577-4430

Leon County Veteran Treatment Court is now being offered as a pretrial diversion program to veteran offenders. In order to be accepted into Veterans Treatment Court, an offender must obtain an appropriate discharge status and qualifying program offense. The goal of the Court is to focus on the individualized needs of veterans in regards to substance abuse, mental health, and holistic well-being. This voluntary program works hand in hand with Leon County stakeholders such as the Florida Veterans Foundation, Veteran Services, and the Veterans Health System. The objective is to reduce offender recidivism by linking qualified recipients to deserved assistance by providing a strong support system in a therapeutic atmosphere. The program is comprised of two elements: treatment and supervision. It is through the four phases of the program that an offender is assessed for mental health and substance abuse, required to uphold appointments, communicate with an assigned mentor, perform community service, and fulfill reporting and testing requirements. The Office of Intervention and Detention Alternatives is home to the element of supervision, in which the Veteran Pretrial Intervention Officer maintains an intensive caseload of Veteran Treatment Court participants.

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