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Phone: 850-606-5630Email: IDA_ComSvc@LeonCountyFL.gov
Community service hours may be ordered as a condition of County Probation or the State Attorney’s Diversion Program. A $30 insurance fee is required to be paid in advance of individuals being assigned to a community service agency. Individuals assigned community service hours will perform court-ordered volunteer work at a non-profit agency. The Community Service Coordinator or Probation/Pretrial Officer will provide individuals with a listing of approved community service agencies to select from. Individuals will also be provided with a “Volunteer Report Form” with the information of the selected agency and to record the hours completed. Upon completion of community service hours, individuals must submit the completed “Volunteer Report Form” to the Probation office. The completed hours will be verified by the Community Service Coordinator.
If you have questions about the conditions of your probation, please contact your probation officer.
No, your probation officer has certain criteria to review prior to placing you at a community service site. They will work with you to find a suitable location based on specifics of your case and demographics.
No, you will not be allowed to perform hours at a location where you are currently a volunteer or have been in the past as there should be no conflict of interest.
Yes, you must pay the insurance fee prior to beginning any hours. This will provide coverage in the event that an injury occurs while you are performing community service. The insurance provides coverage up to $5,000. Any expenses incurred beyond the $5,000 limit are the responsibility of the client.
Contact your probation officer immediately.
Contact your probation officer immediately; however, it is important that you keep track of all forms so you can be successful in completing all requirements.
Work program days may be ordered as a condition of County Probation or the State Attorney’s Diversion Program. A $30 insurance fee is required to be paid in advance of individuals being scheduled for work days. Individuals assigned work program days will perform 10 hours of manual labor with the Leon County Public Works “work crew”. Individuals must report by 7 a.m. for the work program and work the entire 10-hour work day to receive credit. The Probation/Pretrial Officer will provide individuals with the "rules" for the work program and other necessary information. If you are required to complete work program days as a condition of diversion, you will be provided the rule sheet at the orientation session.
If you have questions about the County Work Program, please contact the work program office at 850-606-5626.
You will report to Leon County Intervention and Detention Alternatives located at 501 Appleyard Drive. Please have your paperwork and the $30 fee (exact amount) with you to prevent delays in signing up.
You must report to the Leon County Operations Center located at 2280 Miccosukee Road. It is one mile east of Tallahassee Memorial Hospital on the left. There will be a sign that says “Leon County Operations." This is where you will report for in order to complete your work program days. Directions to the Leon County Operations Center.
The Work Program operates every day except Mondays and holidays. The work day begins promptly at 7 a.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. Sign-up for the Work Program is on a first-come, first-served basis. Only a limited number of people can be accommodated each day.
You will be informed by Work Program staff what tasks you will be performing when you report. Tasks may include litter pick up, washing equipment, brush cutting, sweeping floors, raking leaves, making/laying sandbags, hay stacking/storage, dead animal burial, and flagging traffic.
Please note: The Leon County Work Program consists of 10 hours of manual labor outdoors. There is no light duty on the County Work Program. If you are ordered by the court to complete Work Program days, it is expected that you are physically able to perform manual labor tasks outdoors. If you have a medical condition that would preclude you from performing manual labor for 10 hours a day, please inform your Probation Officer prior to signing up for Work Program days. If you are on the State Attorney’s Office Diversion Program and you have a medical condition that would preclude from performing manual labor for 10 hours a day, please contact the State Attorney’s office at 850-606-6000.
Yes, all participants are required to present a valid picture I.D. each time they check in for the Work Program. You will not be allowed to work if you do not have a valid picture I.D.
The $30 fee provides insurance coverage for clients in the event that an injury occurs while participating in the Work Program. The insurance provides coverage up to $5,000. Any expenses incurred beyond the $5,000 limit are the responsibility of the client.
You will be assessed at $35 no-show fee for each day missed. This will have to be paid prior to signing up for any future dates.
No, the County does not provide transportation to the Work Program. It is your responsibility to arrange transportation to and from the Work Program.
Cell phones are not allowed at the Work Program under any circumstances. Anyone bringing a cell phone to the Work Program will be counted as “Absent” for the day and sent home. Please leave cell phones in your vehicle or at home. DO NOT bring a cell phone to the Work Program.
Yes, you should report to the Work Program in the event of bad weather. Work Program staff will provide further instruction upon arrival.
No, under no circumstances will you be allowed to leave the work site. You must work the entire 10 hour day in order to be given credit. If you choose to leave the work site early, you will be counted as “Absent” for the day and you will be required to pay the $35 no-show fee before you will be allowed to sign up for another work day.