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Teresa Broxton, Director


Nelson Andrews, Probation Supervisor


Shakonda Beamer, Senior Officer


Jeanette Gaskins, Senior Officer


The Probation Division is responsible for the supervision of clients who have been sentenced by the Leon County Courts typically on misdemeanor or traffic related offenses to complete court ordered conditions in lieu of incarceration. Probation/Pretrial Officers are responsible for assisting clients with successfully completing the terms of their sentence through case management. 

The Probation Division staff is responsible to providing the following services to probationers and the Courts:

  • Refers clients, as needed, to appropriate community-based agencies for assistance with human services such as emergency sheltering, housing assistance, employability training, job placement assistance, transportation, substance use disorder treatment, and/or mental health counseling.  
  • Documents all contact with clients to monitor their progress and compliance with court ordered conditions. 
  • Monitors clients with court ordered conditions of abstinence from alcohol and/or drugs through required substance testing. 
  • Provides supervision to clients ordered electronic monitoring such as Global Positioning Satellite Monitoring for 24/7 location tracking and Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring for 24/7 transdermal testing for alcohol consumption detection. 
  • Facilitates the collection and disbursement of restitution to victims of crime. 
  • Assists clients court ordered to perform work program days or community service hours with scheduling and monitors for completion of condition.  
  • Notifies the courts regarding issues of non-compliance with court ordered conditions in a timely manner. 
  • Probation/Pretrial Officers provide court testimony and make recommendations to the courts regarding violations of probation. 

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