Curbside Services
Curbside services are available during the following times:
- Main Library: Sunday through Friday from open until 6 p.m. and Saturday from open until 5 p.m.
- Branch Libraries: Tuesday through Friday from open until 6 p.m. and Saturday from open until 4 p.m.
Curbside services are suspended during inclement weather.
Please park in the designated curbside service parking spaces, remain in your vehicle and call the posted number to notify us of your arrival.
Return Drop Boxes
Return checked out Library items to any Library location. Return boxes are always open.

We welcome patrons who use service animals as determined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A service animal (dog or miniature horse only) is an animal that has been individually trained to work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. The work or task must be directly related to that person’s disability.
Animals that are considered pets, comfort, therapy, or support animals are not service animals as defined by the ADA and are not permitted in Library buildings at this time.
Citizen Request for Accommodations
Calming Tools Available at All Locations
Visiting the library can be difficult for individuals with sensory differences. Designed to calm, assure, and channel energy, our Calming Tools can help make a visit more successful.
If you, or someone in your care, feel anxious or overwhelmed when visiting the library, please ask for more information the Calming Tools available at our service desk.
Calming Tools are available for in-library use only.
Calming Tools include:
- Noise-canceling headphones
- Wiggle cushions
- Weighted lap pads
- Fidgets