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Events & Exhibits > History and Heritage Months > Pride Month

Pride Month

June is Pride Month, when we celebrate the achievements and contributions of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community in history, culture, and society.

Pride Month is recognized annually in commemoration of the June 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York City, a series of events between LGBTQ+ protestors and police following a police raid of the gay bar, the Stonewall Inn. The uprising became a turning point for the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement because it put a national spotlight on the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. Today, Pride Month is celebrated across the United States and around the world with parades, marches, festivals, and other events.

Throughout the month and all year long, learn something new about the LGBTQ+ community and events that shaped history through our library resources.


  • Audience: all Location:
    Leon County Main Library

    Throughout Pride Month, explore the 50 Years: The Stonewall Uprising exhibit on display at the Leon County Main Library. The June 1969 riots at the Stonewall Inn in New York’s Greenwich Village are generally cited as the starting point of the LGBTQ rights movement, but the facts are considerably more nuanced and even disputed. This exhibit from the Stonewall National Museum, Archives & Library examines the who, what, and where of those June nights to understand why the Stonewall riots became the catalytic movement in the effort to secure equal rights for LGBTQ Americans.

    This exhibit will be on display on the 2nd floor of the Main Library from June 1-30, 2024.

  • Audience: all Location:
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    Interact with our Kindness Wall and take what resonates with you. The wall is available at all library locations and is a simple yet powerful way to spread love and positivity. The Kindness Wall is also available online.

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Gay Rights

Transgender Adult Nonfiction

Gender Identity

LGBTQ+ Biographies

Lesbian Adult Fiction

Gay Adult Fiction

Transgender YA Fiction

Queer YA Fiction

Gay YA Fiction

Lesbian YA Fiction

Learn about the Stonewall Uprising.

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