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Browse & Borrow > Request New Materials - ILLiad

Interlibrary Loan Requests and Purchase Suggestions

Click here for ILLiad interlibrary loan borrowing system

Through ILLiad, the interlibrary loan borrowing system, the Leon County Public Library is able to ask another library to lend materials that we may not own for our patrons to check out. Likewise, the Leon County Public Library lends its materials to other libraries for their patrons. Materials are requested in accordance with the Florida Library Information Network policy.

What Can You Do With ILLiad?

  • Submit requests to borrow items from other library systems outside of the Leon County Public Library.
  • Submit suggestions for library purchases.
  • Track the status of interlibrary loan requests and purchase suggestions.

Illiad Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit a request through the interlibrary loan borrowing system?

Sign in to ILLiad to submit a request. If you do not have an account with ILLiad, you will need to create one.

Is there a fee for this service?

There is a fee only if the lending library charges one. We always try to request materials from libraries that do not charge fees. We will borrow from a library that charges a fee only if you authorize us to do so. Fees are due and payable when you pick up the materials.

What materials can be requested through interlibrary loan?

We attempt to borrow all materials with the exception of eBooks, downloadable audio files, reference materials, and textbooks. Many participating libraries will not lend their non-print items, such as DVDs and CDs, or genealogical materials. Participating libraries keep titles in high demand for the use of their patrons and will not lend an item that is less than one year old.

How long does it take to receive an item through interlibrary loan?

We strive to fill requests within four to six weeks, but time can vary depending on the lending library.

Who can request an interlibrary loan?

Most Leon County Public Library cardholders are eligible to request an interlibrary loan. We cannot process school-related items for current FSU, FAMU, or TCC students. These patrons should go to their school libraries to request items. Interlibrary loans will not be checked out to patrons with overdue materials or outstanding fines.

How many items can I request at a time?

Each patron may have five active requests at one time. Requests are active until completed and updated as closed by interlibrary loan staff. In order to process requests in a timely manner, we are unable to request the same title for the same patron within a six-month period.

Can interlibrary loan items be renewed?

No, interlibrary loans cannot be renewed. To have the most time with your request, please pick up your interlibrary loan requests as soon as possible after notification.

Who can I talk to for more information?

Call the Leon County Main library at 850-606-2665 and ask for interlibrary loans.

What happens if I lose or damage an interlibrary loan item?

Patrons will be expected to pay the replacement cost of unreturned or damaged items as determined by the lending library's policies.


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