Printing on Public Computers
Printing from public computers in available at all library locations. 8.5" x 11" black and white single-sided printing from library computers is available at 10 cents per page, payable by cash only. Cardholders receive 10 free pages a day by signing on to the library's public computers using their library card number.
Mobile Printing
Mobile printing is available at all library locations. To use mobile printing, upload documents to the library's mobile printing website, then visit any library location to print from the library print release station. 8.5" x 11" black and white single-sided printing is available for uploaded documents at 10 cents per page. Library cardholders receive 10 free pages per day. Read our mobile printing instructions.
Photocopying and Scanning
Each library location offers coin-operated copiers that can scan to a flash drive, photocopy, and print single- and double-sided in color and black and white with sizing at 8.5” x 14” and 11”x17". Copiers can print JPEG, PDF, and TIFF files using a flash drive.