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Why save energy?

Conserving energy reduces our dependence on fossil fuels and can save you money on your utility bill. Here are some ways to implement energy conservation principles at home!

Ways to Save at Home

What Uses the Most Energy?

  • Air Conditioning/Heating System
    • TIP: Be choosy with your AC and Heating – these tend to be the biggest energy hogs and the biggest contributors to your energy bill. As a general guideline, keep your thermostat at 78°F in the summer and 68°F in the winter. You can also help your system waste less energy by replacing filters regularly, making sure nothing is blocking your vents, and upgrading to a programmable thermostat.
  • Water Heater
    • TIP: When you take a shower or run a load of clothes in the washing machine, your water heater is working to keep the water warm. Try to cap your shower time at 5 minutes (this also saves water) and only wash full loads of clothes and dishes. The colder the water, the less energy you’ll use. 
  • Refrigerator
    • TIP: Check to ensure refrigerator doors close firmly. Otherwise, you may want to replace the seals to prevent energy loss.
  • Desktop Computer and Monitor
    • TIP: To minimize energy use, remember to shut computer down when not in use and place in sleep mode if stepping away for more than 20 minutes. Use a power strip to plug in multiple items and easily turn them all off at once.
  • Windows and Doors
    • TIP: Proper insulation on doors and windows is important for preventing air from escaping your home. Look for double or triple-paned windows with Energy Star certifications and check door seals for gaps.

Shopping Tips for Energy-Saving Appliances

Buying new appliances? Check out the U.S. Department of Energy’s Tips for Shopping for Appliances.

Phantom Power

All electronic devices, even if not in use, continue to draw power when plugged in. This is known as phantom power or vampire power. By leaving electronics plugged into an electrical socket, you could be wasting (and paying for) energy that you aren’t using.

To minimize your energy loss, unplug electronics when not in use. Another solution is to utilize power strips, so you can plug in multiple items and switch them all off at once when you leave the room.


Weatherizing your home can include many things, including improving ventilation, adding insulation or weather-stripping, or upgrading heating and cooling systems. Not only do these improvements lower your utility bill, but they use less energy, improve health and safety in homes, and reduce overall environmental impact 

Wondering how energy-efficient your home is? Ask your utility provider to complete a home energy audit – they are often done for free.

Learn about Weatherization Best Practices from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Carbon Footprint

We each have a carbon footprint. What does this mean?

A carbon footprint refers to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that are released into the atmosphere by someone or something, such as a building, vehicle, etc.

In what ways do we release carbon emissions 

Transportation is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Every time we drive or ride in a vehicle, we are directly emitting CO2 through the burning of gasoline. We also use fossil fuels indirectly. Every time we plug our phone into an outlet, watch television or take a hot shower, we are indirectly using fossil fuels. This is because the electricity we use is typically generated from the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil. It’s easy to forget this impact when we don’t physically see it happening.  
Curious about your carbon footprint? Try using EPA’s Household Carbon Footprint Calculator to estimate your household’s annual impact.


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