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Private Road Preventative Maintenance and Repair Program

Leon County Government manages the construction and upkeep of hundreds of miles of County public roads. We are also dedicated to helping neighborhoods with the repair and maintenance of private roadways. Below, you will find five County programs that may address your neighborhood’s private road needs.

If you have any questions, please contact Leon County Public Works at 850-606-1500.

Private Road Preventative Maintenance and Repair Program

This program provides repair and maintenance on private roads.

  • Repair work typically includes ditch repair, grading, fill material, stabilization, curb and gutter repair, and sod and sediment control.
  • 100% of costs are covered by the applicant(s) based on current material fee schedule.
  • Payment must be received in advance of repairs.
  • Application for repairs can be made by any property owner adjacent to the road.
  • County will not assume ownership or future maintenance.
  • NEW! Repair work now includes full resurfacing of existing paved roads to remediate deteriorating conditions. This repair activity requires 100% participation from all property owners on the road and can be paid over time (up to 10 years) by non-ad valorem assessment.

Private to Public Dirt Road Improvement and Maintenance Program

This program converts a private dirt road to a public dirt road.

  • Application can be made by any property owner adjacent to the road.
  • 100% of the right-of-way, including easements, must be donated to the County and must be continuous and contiguous to existing county right-of-way. The right-of-way width will be 60 feet.
  • After the dirt road improvements are performed, these new public dirt roads would be maintained by the County, ensuring the reliability of public access and safety.
  • Repair activities typically include improving the dirt road up to 20 feet width, ditch maintenance, grading, crossdrain repair or replacement, stabilization, and sod and sediment control.

Two-Thirds Program

This program converts a private road to a public road.

  • Roads improved to County standards (asphalt and stormwater) and then owned and maintained by the County.
  • Signed request forms from 2/3 of the property owners must be received to initiate project review and cost estimation.
  • Paid by special assessment on property tax bills.
  • 100% Right-of-Way, including easements, must be donated to the County.

L.I.F.E. Rural Road Safety Stabilization Program

This program provides one-time repairs and improvements to private dirt road on a first come, first served basis.

  • Repair work limited to ditch repair, grading, fill material, stabilization, and sod and sediment control.
  • 60% of property owners adjacent to the road for repair must be low-income. Low-income households are defined as those earning 80% or less of the area median income. In 2024, this equates to an annual income of $56,800 for a two-person household and $70,950 for a four-person household.
  • 100% of property owners must consent to repairs.
  • Roads will not be improved to County standards and County will not assume ownership or future maintenance.
  • Projects subject to available County funding.

Safe Passage of Emergency Vehicles on Unpaved Road (Emergency Road Repair)

This program provides targeted emergency private road repairs at no expense to residents.

  • Repairs performed on roads deemed by Public Works as blocked or impassable for first responder vehicles.
  • Roads will be improved to extent needed to allow passage of vehicles (grading and/or material fill).
  • Roads will not be improved to County standards and County will not assume ownership or future maintenance.

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