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Mental health is an important and often neglected part of everybody’s well-being. It’s easy to get overwhelmed at work and in life, especially without the proper techniques to alleviate stress. Stress is a normal part of life but it’s important to properly manage it so that it does not negatively impact your overall health and well-being. 

To help Leon County employees mitigate everyday stress and anxiety, Live Well Leon hosts a variety of monthly activities that can be found on the Employees Events page. 

Mindfulness Techniques

The following are some mindfulness techniques that you can do in a variety of settings including at the office or at home. Take some time to explore and find the one that works best for you! 

Sit comfortably and breathe in and out slowly and deeply while counting your breaths. This is a simple way to help calm your mind and body and can be done just about anywhere.

Move your attention slowly through different parts of your body, starting from the top of your head and moving down to the end of your toes. Focus on feelings of warmth, relaxation, tension, and pain. Notice pleasant and unpleasant feelings and work on relaxing the parts of your body holding stress. If your attention starts to drift, gently focus it back on your body. This technique can be done standing, sitting or laying down.

Meditation can help to center your emotions, making yourself more present. Sit quietly and focus on your breathing, thoughts, and the sensations around or inside of you. Try to concentrate on the present moment. This technique can be paired with yoga for increased effectiveness if you have the time and space. 

This activity can be done no matter where you are or what you are doing. Start by focusing on five things you can see, then four things you can feel. Move slowly through the other senses, noticing three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This technique helps to ground you in the present and can be helpful in reducing stress or anxiety.

Further Resources

There are hundreds of mindfulness resources and techniques to discover. It’s important to note that not every technique works for everybody so don’t be afraid to continue searching for the best methods that work for you.


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