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Employee Events

Live Well Leon hosts a variety of regular events throughout the year. See below for this month's selection. 

Upcoming Events

Explore upcoming Live Well Leon activities to help you stay active and engaged!

  • Yoga
    This class brings the body, mind and spirit all together by focusing on the breathing. The benefits include relaxation, less stress, and increased flexibility and mobility, which everyone needs! Try it and see if you don't leave feeling refreshed and renewed!
  • Yoga at the LCSO
    This class brings the body, mind and spirit all together by focusing on the breathing. The benefits include relaxation, less stress, and increased flexibility and mobility, which everyone needs! Try it and see if you don't leave feeling refreshed and renewed!
  • Circuit Training
    This class is exploding in popularity! Come see why everyone likes it so much! And enjoy the added bonus of meeting co-workers from all areas of the County! Don't worry if you have never exercised before or if you are struggling with an injury or any health issues.. Just tell the instructor and she will be sure to give you modifications. Several of us have them and we all just do what we can. Hope to see you there this month!
  • Nerves, Pain and Pain Management
    Ever wonder how nerves work? Why we have pain? What can be done about it? Dr. Amy Neal, Associate Medical Director at CHP, and Primary Care Provider, will discuss this and new pain management treatments for nerve disorders. Dr. Neal is very engaging so come with any and all questions you may have regarding this topic. Lunch will be served. If you need a vegetarian option, email Mary Barley at and let he know.
  • Pilates
    This class focuses on your core and legs, although upper body is included sometimes as well. A stronger core includes a stronger back, so if your back is weak, this is a great class for you. Pilates also increases your muscle endurance. The movements are slow and controlled so it focuses on the mind/body connection. People really like this class, so if you haven't tried it yet, take the time to do it this month!
  • Springtime Tallahassee Race
    Once again, Live Well Leon will pay for you and your dependents (they must be on our insurance) to participate in the 10K, 5K or 1 mile races for Springtime Tallahassee. Just click here to register and use the code, "leoncountyspring": Hope to see you there!
  • No more events.

For more events, visit the Live Well Leon Bookwhen Calendar.

Annual Events

Live Well Leon offers an annual Walking Challenge that also includes additional challenges within the Challenge to improve various areas of well-being, such as eating more fruits and veggies, getting more sleep, drinking more water, etc. Live Well Leon provides fitness watches to anyone that doesn’t have a fitness tracker to monitor their steps. Prizes are awarded by drawing the names of teams who have completed the Challenge, as well as those who started the Challenge but couldn’t finish it. (Life does get in the way of our intentions sometimes but making an effort counts!) 

Spring Into Motion Participant Video

Each fall, the non-profit, Working Well, whose mission is to help improve the well-being of our community’s workforce, hosts their annual Corporate Cup Challenge. This Challenge encourages teams from local business and government organizations to get outside, do some team building and have fun! Teams of four compete, with one team member biking, one running, one paddling and one doing strength and endurance exercises. Only one team can take the coveted Corporate Cup back to their office for the year, but plaques are also awarded for the All Male, All Female and Co-Ed teams and the best individual efforts in each leg. Plus, there is a Spirit Trophy given to the organization that brings the most co-workers, family and friends to cheer their teams on. Live Well Leon is always looking for teams to participate in this fun event!

Each November, Leon County holds its Annual Awards Breakfast. Live Well Leon created the Well-Being Awards to honor the Leon County employee who has made the most improvement in each of the four areas of well-being our program focuses on. Employees can apply themselves or be nominated. The winners include:

  • The Lego Award for Community Well-Being
  • The Ladder Award for Career Well-Being
  • The Champion Award for Physical Well-Being
  • The Butterfly Award for Social Well-Being

The annual Live Well Leon Souper Bowl Cookoff started in 2013. The week before the annual Sunday Super Bowl, employees sign up to bring either a soup, stew, bisque or chili for the Cookoff. The employees rank all entrees and then a panel of three “celebrity” judges, decide which of the top five ranks 1st, 2nd, and 3rd! The judging was so archaic to begin with, that in year five, Mark Early, the Supervisor of Elections, who was a judge, offered for his office to create a special ballot just for the judging and even had a couple of his employees bring an official voting machine the day of the event for us to enter our ballots. The top three winners get a $75/$50/$25 gift card. 


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