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Shington Lamy, Assistant County Administrator

Shington Lamy

Shington Lamy,
Assistant County Administrator

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301 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Shington Lamy currently holds the position of Assistant County Administrator, after nearly two decades of distinguished service within the County. His ascent through the ranks began with his role as an intern, where his leadership skills soon became apparent. Shington successfully spearheaded numerous important County initiatives, including coordinating legislative agendas, managing charter review and redistricting processes, and executing the inaugural Operation Thank You event.

Shington provides guidance to the County's Housing, Health & Human Services, and Veterans Services divisions.

Shington's skills and experience earned him the position of Director of the Office of Human Services and Community Partnerships (HSCP), a role he held the past seven years. His leadership at HSCP was particularly crucial during the global COVID-19 pandemic, during which he managed an intricate system of state and federal programs to secure funding for vulnerable populations. His tireless work resulted in the distribution of approximately $142 million in relief support throughout the community, leading Leon County to be recognized as a national leader in its rapid response to the crisis. His achievements in the role also facilitated the receipt of an additional $11 million ERA allocation for the community.

Throughout his time as Director of HSCP, Shington's adept handling of the County's most pressing human service issues earned him a reputation for fostering relationships with local partners, while developing policies and programs aimed at improving the quality of life for the most vulnerable populations. His focus areas included homelessness, healthcare services, and housing, among others. His strategies led to the investment of over $182 million in funds addressing homelessness and affordable housing, providing tangible relief for thousands of households.

Beyond these efforts, Shington also oversees the County’s Veteran Services Division, ensuring local veterans receive the state and federal benefits they deserve. His collaborative efforts with Veteran Service Organizations have resulted in impactful events such as the Operation Thank You Breakfast and Honor Flight.

Shington holds both an undergraduate degree and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from Florida State University's Askew School of Public Administration. His academic achievements were recognized with the B. Harold Farmer Scholarship, awarded to the state's top MPA candidate seeking a career in professional local government management.

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