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Building Plans Review & Inspection: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a building permit?

All building permits are applied for through the County's online permit portal.  To access the portal, click here.  Additionally, a step-by-step guide to using the permit portal can be found here.

How long does it take to get a building permit?

Single trade permits that are eligible to be obtained through Leon County Permits Online are issued immediately. All other building permit applications require more time for review from the Development Support and Environmental Management Divisions, and may also be delayed if the building application packet is lacking required documentation or if a review finds additional or corrected documentation is required from the applicant. The following is the current, typical approval times for the listed projects:

  • New Single-family Home: 8 days

  • Manufactured Home: 5 days

  • Accessory Structures: 5 days

  • Commercial Projects: 15 days

  • Other Types of Projects: 5 days 

I want to build a new home. How much would a building permit cost?

The cost of the permit is based on the size of the new home in square feet under the roof. A calculator is provided on the Leon County Building Plans Review and Inspection page that can be utilized to calculate the building fee portion of the permit cost.

As a homeowner, can I obtain a building permit for a project on my own home or do I have to use a State-licensed contractor?

A homeowner who lives in the subject home can obtain all permits for projects on their home.

Do I need a building permit to put a shed on my property?

Sheds over 100 square feet require a building permit. However, it should be noted that all sheds, regardless of size, require review by the Development Services and Environmental Services Divisions for location site, setbacks from boundary lines, easements, floodplain and other similar elements.

Do I need a building permit to construct a deck on my property?

Decks greater than 100 SF in area and/or more than 30" above grade on any side require a building permit.

What other types of common projects require a building permit?

The following projects require a building permit:

  • ​Backup generators

  • Demolitions

  • Exterior alterations and repairs

  • Grinder pumps

  • Retaining walls

  • Solar installations (photovoltaic and water heating systems)

Do I need a building permit to install a residential fence?

No, the Florida Building Code does not regulate the installation of residential fences. Therefore, a building permit is not required.




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