Lake Heritage Dam Improvements
Historical Background
The Lake Heritage Dam was constructed prior to 1977 and is located in the Lake Heritage Estates residential neighborhood on the south side of Apalachee Parkway. The Lake Heritage Dam is an approximately 14-foot-high earthen dam. The existing primary spillway consists of a valve and riser structure in the lake and a corrugated metal pipe through the dam. A secondary spillway consists of swales and culverts between private residences on the east side of the lake. The primary spillway is currently in a “failed” condition. For some time leakage/seepage has been observed around and through the pipe, and this flow has increased over the years. The County’s goal is to address modifications to the dam and spillway systems that will allow the dam to maintain the lake safely at the current levels.

Proposed Improvements
The proposed improvements consist of maintaining the existing lake level at elevation 86.8 NAVD by constructing a new overflow weir at the dam to serve as the primary outfall structure. The existing secondary spillway system would serve as the secondary outfall. Overall, this project will restore function to the Lake Heritage outfall structures and allow storm events to pass through the dam in a safe and controlled manner, while adhering to the Leon County code requirements for flood protection elevations.
Project Overview
- April 28, 2015 at 2:00 PM: Construction bid opening.
- End of May 2015: Contractor selected.
- July 2015: Construction will start and to be completed by the summer of 2016.
- Fall of 2016: Post construction permit to be completed.
Project Photos
Lake Heritage

Damaged outfall pipe

Improved Concrete Spillway

Project Contacts
George Su, P.E.
Leon County Department of Public Works
2280 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone: (850)606-1500 Fax: (850)606-1501