Ben Boulevard Drainage Improvement
Historical Background
The Ben Boulevard Drainage Improvements project is one of the Transportation and Stormwater Capital Improvements Projects identified and approved by the Board in late January 2009 after Tropical Storm Fay.
Currently, property along a portion of the east side of Ben Boulevard experiences severe yard flooding and some structure flooding. The main cause of the flooding is the capacity of the existing conveyance system that moves stormwater north along Ben Blvd. into Lake Jackson. The stormwater water overtops the roadside ditch and floods into the adjacent residential lots.
Two residential lots along McLeod Drive were acquired due to flooding issues and will be utilized as part of the overall project.

Proposed Improvements
The project consists of removing the homes and associated improvements from the two developed parcels on McLeod Drive and stabilizing the existing channel that runs across the properties. The construction of a shallow stilling basin on one of the parcels will be to attenuate the stormwater flows and better direct them into the roadside ditch along the south side of Mcleod drive.
The stormwater that currently comes down the south side of Mcleod Drive to Ben Blvd. will be intercepted and directed into a new pipe system that will convey the water south along Ben Boulevard and east along Queenswood Drive to another existing County drainage easement that flows to Lake Jackson. The existing pipe that directs stormwater from Mcleod Drive to the Ben Blvd. system will be taken out of service.
Overall, this project will remove a portion of the stormwater from the Ben Blvd. system and redirect it into a larger discharge channel system to the east that has additional conveyance capacity.
Project Events
Open House – Project Design Update
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Place: Canopy Oaks School, Cafeteria
3250 Point View Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32303-7017
Project Contacts
Felton Ard, P.E.
Leon County Department of Public Works
2280 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone: (850) 606-1515
Fax: (850) 606-1501