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Delivering the WOW Factor in Customer Service

Development Support and Environmental Management

This weekend, we noticed the motto People Focused. Performance Driven. at the bottom of the initial correspondence from Ms. Allen and wanted to affirm that is indeed what we’ve experienced thus far. Your efforts to help us in a timely and respectful way are very much appreciated.

Jason and Betty

Division of Tourism

Thank you for hosting our national cross country championship meet and making it a 'big deal' for our athletes! They put in a lot of work and the opportunity to compete at a championship meet that is so well run, and looks and feels like a championship event, is rewarding for them.

David Barney,
Head coach at Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix, AZ

Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency

Blueprint has been knocking it out of the park with your recent events. From the Skateable Art Park to the opening of the History and Culture Trail, they have all been top-notch. Kudos to you and your City/County counterparts. Well done!!


Solid Waste

Thank you for the telephone call and email update and for the excellent customer service. You and your Leon County colleagues certainly exemplify excellence in local government.


Office of Intervention and Detention Alternatives

Thank you for helping me get through what I viewed to be the most difficult part of my life. There aren't enough words to say how grateful I am to have someone of your stature in my corner. You deserve more credit than given. You are truly a blessing.

County resident

Library Services

Everyone is always so helpful and friendly. My boys end up leaving with a stack of books every time.

County resident

Office of Economic Vitality

OEV has been an indispensable force driving our achievements and fostering our expansion. Through their comprehensive market research, deep community engagement, strategic networking opportunities, and facilitation of minority certifications, OEV has been instrumental in amplifying the reach and impact of the Elite Business Strategies brand.

Princess Ousley,
CEO of Elite Business Strategies

Featured Video

2023 Annual Report Video 4:12
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