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Leon County Government and the Capital City Chamber of Commerce are partnering with local organizations to enhance financial security and racial wealth equity within the community.
Provides eligible mobile homeowner-occupants in unincorporated Leon County immediate assistance with mitigation of dire situations.
Provides eligible homeowner-occupants in unincorporated Leon County immediate assistance with mitigation of dire situations.
Provides organizations and builders funding for the construction of housing units to pay down the development costs to reduce the sale price to income eligible first-time homebuyers.
Provides quality, cost-effective health services through collaborative community partnerships, including primary healthcare, mental health, dental care, and more.
Provides young adults ages 14 to 24 years old job experience by working with a Leon County department over the summer.
Provides high school juniors and seniors with job readiness training and work experience by shadowing and assisting a Leon County department during the spring or fall semester.
Provides access to resources and capital for businesses, including the assessment of current resources and barriers, to help them succeed.
Provides free legal support to help families resolve heirs' property disputes.
Provides services and educational resources that help empower people and families to improve their financial capability, health, and independence.
Provides a personalized approach to help local businesses succeed in Tallahassee-Leon County, including technical assistance, site selection guidance, information gathering, MWSBE certification, personalized workforce development assistance, resiliency support, and more.
Provides free, confidential, and anonymous access to counseling and critical community resources 365 days a year, including the 2-1-1 Big Bend Lyft Ride United Program, which connects clients with food and household good deliveries, in addition to providing essential transportation services.
Provides funding to children’s services organizations to ensure all children and youth are socially, emotionally, and physically equipped to reach their full potential.
Provides counseling, education, and down payment assistance to low-income first-time homebuyers.
Provides funds to community programs that support children, families, and seniors with housing, early learning, safety net, health and mental health, and skills development.
Provides lending opportunities up to $50,000 for small businesses that are minority- and/or women-owned.
Provides no-cost consulting services, training sessions, workshops, clinics, and more to help small businesses launch, grow, and thrive.