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Miccosukee Community Park (Concord School)

Miccosukee Community Park

Project Location

Miccosukee Community Park (Concord School) is located at 15011 Cromartie Road, Tallahassee, Fl (Just east of Veterans Memorial Drive)


Leon County proposes to renovate the Concord School building, 15011 Cromartie Road, Tallahassee, Florida, 32309 in the Miccosukee rural community, located in northeastern Leon County. The building was acquired by Leon County in January 2018 and is in need of extensive renovations to continue operating as a community amenity.

Project Description

The goal of this project is to bring the building up to building code and to prepare for and prevent the spread of COVID-19 or any other similar public health concern the community may face in the future. The project will allow critical programs and services offered typically to seniors and/or children of Low to Middle Income (LMI) to commence during the COVID crisis.

The proposed renovations planned for the Old Concord School includes:

  • Updating bathrooms and other spaces with touchless features.
  • Exterior recreational improvements such as:
    • Walking trails
    • Picnic tables
    • New courtyard stage which provides outdoor classrooms and spaces where programming can commence while adhering to CDC and social distancing guidelines and will enhance the outdoor offerings to allow the community to safely convene and strengthen connections with neighbors throughout the COVID-19 crisis. 
    • ADA compliance updates for accessibility pathways to and through the building for greater accessibility
    • New ADA parking and sidewalk for building access.

In addition to mitigation efforts of social distance accommodations and outdoor amenities, the CDC also recommends improved ventilation as an additional prevention strategy. The renovation will include replacement of exterior windows and exterior doors; replacement of HVAC equipment and ducts as well as new data and communications systems to meet the needs of a Community Center/Distance Learning Center. The project will allow critical programs and services offered typically to seniors and/or children of LMI to commence during the COVID crisis. A standby generator and fuel tank installation will position the Concord School to be utilized as an emergency "comfort station" following hurricanes and tropical storms, giving the rural community a safe space to receive critical aide and responsibly gather. The design ensures the building meets current building codes, maximizes the ability to combat the COVID-19 virus spread in the community, is visually appealing, and can meet versatile programming uses to ensure that the facility can continue to serve as a community amenity in rural Miccosukee.

Effects to Historic Properties

Leon County commissioned a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Survey (CRAS) for the project, and it was determined that the undertaking would have an adverse effect on the historic Miccosukee School building (8LE05501), which is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

To resolve the adverse effect, Leon County has committed to rehabilitating the structure in a manner that complies with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Ten specific items were identified as character defining features and spaces that require treatment(s) to comply with the Standards. One of these items—the Auditorium Stage—will not be replaced in order to increase program floor area.

Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800, Leon County is providing an opportunity for members of the public to express their views on the project and the proposed measures to resolve adverse effects. To submit comments or to ask any additional questions about the project and its impacts to cultural resources please email Matt Marino at

Project Team

Architect of Record

Barnett, Fronczak, Barlowe & Shuler, Architects

Engineer of Record

Hydra Engineering and Construction, LLC

Leon County Contacts

Ken Cureton, AIA, NCARB, Construction Manager

Stephen Kelly, P.E., Chief of Building Engineering

Amanda Heideker, Director, Parks & Recreation


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