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County’s Relaunched Website Connects with Citizens

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In the County’s long-standing tradition of award-winning and engaging website design, the new Leon County website meets the evolving needs of citizens through continuous updates and enhancements, and the current relaunch is a huge step forward in our unwavering commitment to excellence.

You spoke, and we heard you loud and clear! Leon County's redesigned website is the result of our community’s valuable feedback. From a modern look to an intuitive search bar, it’s all about improving your experience! Increased transparency and real-time county updates ensure you’re kept in the loop. It’s not just a website; it’s your digital one-stop-shop for County services and programs.

  • Innovative User Experience: With its cutting-edge design, intuitive functionality, and mobile-first approach, Leon County's website sets a new standard for user experience, positioning it as a national benchmark for government digital innovation.
  • Engagement and Inclusivity: By incorporating real-time updates and universal accessibility features, the website not only enhances engagement but also ensures that every voice in the community is heard and every need is addressed.
  • Dynamic and Trustworthy: The combination of transparent governance, strategic performance monitoring, and a commitment to continuous improvement through community feedback makes Leon County's website a paragon of trust and efficiency in the digital era.

Sleek and Intuitive New Look

  • A mockup of the new website layout

    This modern, inviting interface is more than just a visual refresh; it's a strategic reimagining that places essential services at your fingertips, ensuring that every interaction feels as natural and comfortable as a conversation at home. Our commitment goes beyond aesthetics; we are anticipating your needs.

Mobile Responsiveness

  • A desktop computer and mobile phone with arrows going between them

    Our revamped website looks just as great on your phone as it does on a desktop! In an age where many users access information on the go, optimizing the website for mobile devices is crucial. We get how busy you are and understand how important it is to have county resources at your fingertips! Our mobile-responsive design ensures that residents can seamlessly access county services and information from their smartphones and tablets.   

Accessing Services Made Easy

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    Here at Leon County, we value your time, and we want you to be able to engage with us in a way that’s fast and easy for you! We’ve increased search functionality, ensuring quick, relevant, and accurate results by introducing an intuitive search bar and menu to streamline your journey. Want to sign up for a neighborhood readiness training, find information about visitor resources, or access the Parks Index to find a County park near you? Quickly scroll through our targeted list of services or type it into our search bar, and voila! The information you need is in your hands.

Transparency You Can Trust

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    Find detailed information about Leon County activities, initiatives, and decision-making processes. Our redesigned home page highlights our mission, vision, and priorities so that you can stay in the know!

Inclusive Design for All Citizens

  • Accessibility logo of a person with their arms out on a circular background

    We’re dedicated to making the website accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities, by utilizing more screen-reader friendly design patterns, providing better alternative text for images, and utilizing easy-to-read fonts. One example is our redesigned navigation menu, which allows keyboard and screen reader users to more easily access webpage content.

Critical Information Hub

  • Megaphone with caution and information icons

    This website relaunch further enhances the dedicated section for emergency alerts and essential information, making critical updates immediately accessible from the website's homepage for the community's safety and well-being.

Optimizing with Data-Driven Insights

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    Our implementation of advanced analytics tools to monitor website usage and performance allows for data-driven decisions to continuously enhance user experience.

We’re proud of our commitment to the community and improving our residents’ lives.

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