In the coming weeks, you may see staff attaching stickers and scanning items in our collections. We're converting to an RFID (radio-frequency identification) system, which will make it easier to find items on the shelves, and check items in and out. Later in the process, you may encounter equipment installations or see evidence of physical changes in progress to accommodate the new equipment. Please pardon our dust! The efforts to improve your library experience continue.
The library services that have been in place since June are still available: curbside pick-up, coming into the library to browse, check out materials, and/or use a computer for an hour, and self-service holds. Extra cleaning, safe distancing measures and quarantining are standard procedures. The downloadable collections (ebooks, downloadable audio books, movies and magazines) and online resources such as Ancestry Library Edition, Value Line and Learning Express, are always available. And the variety of virtual programs continues to grow. Now is a good time to share information about the online library card application with friends and family. Help them discover the benefits of accessing free materials and services from their Leon County Public Library.
As you’ll see in this issue, there is a lot happening at the libraries. We look forward to seeing you online, curbside and inside!
All library locations will be closed on the following days:
- Wednesday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day
- Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday
- Friday, December 25th in observance of Christmas Day
- Friday, January 1st in observance of New Years Day
Please note that all libraries close at 6 p.m. on these dates: Wednesday, November 25; Thursday, December 24; and Thursday, December 31.
At this time the following services are available at each of our locations:
- Our buildings are open to the public at 50% capacity. Patrons are encouraged to limit their visits to an hour per day. Per Leon County ordinance, patrons are required to wear a face covering over their nose and mouth while in the library.
- In-library services currently include browsing the library shelves; selecting items to check out and/or picking up items already placed on hold; and use of self-checkout at some libraries.
- Curbside pick-up is encouraged as a contact-free, convenient way to check out items on hold. Notifications that holds are ready for pick-up are sent via e-mail, text, or phone call (your choice!). You can also check the status of your hold requests through the "My Account" option via the Library app or our web site.
- Main Library Hours of Operation:
- Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Branch Libraries Hours of Operation:
- Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Beginning Saturday, November 14th: All library locations will return to regular hours of operation. Up-to-date hours of operation can be found here.
- The online catalog and library mobile app are available to reserve materials; you may also call (850) 606-2665 for staff assistance. More detailed information about curbside pickup is available here.
- Library computers are available for one hour per person per day at physically distanced terminals.
- Information and technology help continue to be provided by phone and e-mail. Call your favorite location or e-mail AnswerSquad@leoncountylibrary.org .
- Free Wi-Fi is accessible from the library parking lots.
- Book drops should continue to be used to return materials. From there, the items go to quarantine for 4 days before being checked in by staff. (Please call the library to arrange for return of telescopes, Traveling Book Club bags and other items that cannot be handled in the book returns.)
- Donations can be left in the specially marked drop box just outside of the Friendshop door at the Leon County Main Library, or call the Friendshop at (850) 224-3290 for other options.
For more information and FAQs about current services, visit www.LeonCountyLibrary.org.
Free Reusable Masks for the Public at all Library Locations
In coordination with the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), free reusable cloth masks are available for a limited time at all County library locations. Masks are available via curbside pickup and inside.
This initiative complements Leon County Government's ongoing efforts to distribute cloth face masks at faith-based organizations in southern Leon County, at the Bragg testing site, and at FDOH’s mobile testing sites throughout the community. To date, we have given away over 325,000 cloth masks to the public.
Visit the Leon County Emergency Information Portal for up-to-date information on COVID-19, local resources, services, closures and sign up for County news and alerts.
You can also download the Leon County Citizens Connect App for notifications on emergency management messages or services changes.
The Citizens Connect app is available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store.
Get a Flu Vaccine Today
Leon County Government and health officials remind you that getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever to protect yourself and your community from the flu during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find a flu shot near you at http://www.GetMyFluShot.org
Homework Hub
Does your K-8th student need help working on a tough homework assignment or have questions about a lesson?
Homework Hub is a free program pairing students with tutors in a one-on-one environment. Our volunteer tutors are ready to help you with math, English, social studies and science!
Visit our website for more info and to make an appointment: www.LeonCountyLibrary.org/HomeworkHub
Check out Author Alerts, a service that notifies you when your favorite author's new materials are added to our collection!
Notifications of new arrivals are sent straight to your email.
To sign up, click here.
Find all of your e-books and e-audiobooks in one place! OverDrive/Libby will be acquiring RBdigital in the coming months. All RBdigital titles will be added to our Libby app for one-stop-shopping.
Please note that RBdigital holds will not copy over to OverDrive.
Current RBdigital checkouts will be available through the remainder of their lending period in the RBdigital app.
Current checkouts will not be moved to OverDrive.
This will allow users to finish their title without disruption or risk of losing their place in the book.
The LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library is committed to
serving and supporting our diverse community.
Our Librarians have compiled a list of resources for all ages celebrating diversity, and supporting education on matters of social injustice and racial equality.
Visit our website to access these resources.
Research your family history with Ancestry Library Edition. Search the US Federal Census as well as immigration, vital, military, court, church, and ethnic records. Explore city directories, the Social Security Death Index, and more. Please note that the content in the Library Edition of this resource may differ from the personal subscription edition.
Due to COVID-19, this resource is available from home through December 31, 2020.
Choose from more than 300 practice tests and courses, including GED, SAT, ACT and GRE.
National Novel Writing Month Workshops
Always dreamed of writing a novel? Celebrate National Novel Writing Month each week with advice from local authors on a range of topics to help you reach your goal. After each workshop, chat with other locals for feedback, editing, or inspiration.
Mondays in November:
6:30 - 7:30: Author Workshop
7:30 - 8:00: Community Meet-ups
November 2: Getting Started with Suzan Kurdak and Faith Eidse from the Tallahassee Writer's Association
*Please bring a blank postcard for the writing prompt portion.
November 9: Plot & Story Arc with Kate Kimball from TCC
November 16: Characterization with Adrian Fogelin
November 23: Editing with Andrew Skerritt from FAMU
November 30: Writers' Wrap-up: What's Next? with author Christine Zane Thomas
To register for the Zoom link, click here.
You will automatically receive the Zoom link for all meetings after registration.
Community Gingerbread House Competition
Sugar and spice and all things nice are in store for the LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library’s Gingerbread House Competition!
Compete and taste the sweetness of victory.
Each winner in the adult, teen, child and People's Choice categories will receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Kits are welcome!
Submit your photo by Sunday, December 6th, here.
For a free Grab Bag complete with recipe, a gingerbread craft and more goodies, register here.
*Grab Bags and Submission will begin Tuesday, November 10th.
For rules and more information, click here.
*Winners will be announced Saturday, December 12th.