Leon County Link for February 2025
The Leon County Link connects citizens with Leon County services. For Leon County news and information, please visit: LeonCountyFL.gov/News.
2025 Spring Seed Library Kickoff
Saturday, February 8, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Leon County Main Library, 200 West Park Avenue
The Leon County Spring Seed Library returns for its 10th year! Join us on Saturday, February 8, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Leon County Main Library where you can choose from 11 seed varieties to build your spring garden, participate in educational activities, and learn how to create a successful home garden.
Starting February 8, visit any library location and check out up to five seed packets per month using your library card, or three packets per month without a library card, while supplies last. Don't have a library card or need a replacement? Register online for a library card today.
Become a Master Recycler!
Saturday, February 22, from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
UF IFAS/Leon County Extension, 615 Paul Russell Rd.
Join Leon County Government to become a Master Recycler on Saturday, February 22, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the UF IFAS/Leon County Extension, 615 Paul Russell Rd.
This free seminar empowers County residents to reduce waste, recycle effectively, and become an expert in creating a more sustainable community. Enjoy hands-on educational activities, receive a Master Recycler's Certificate, and enjoy a complimentary lunch!
Learn more and register at LeonCountyFL.gov/WasteReduction.
Celebrate Black History Month
Celebrate the contributions, triumphs, and achievements of Black Americans during Black History Month with the African American Read-In, a local history presentation, a Virtual Author Talk, a Jeopardy game night, and resources from the LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library System.
Leon Works Junior Apprenticeship
Earn while learning new skills!
The Leon Works Junior Apprenticeship Program provides a platform for high school juniors and seniors to immerse themselves in a skilled career field, earn an hourly salary, and receive class credit. Apprentices will have the opportunity to train with experts in a variety of Leon County departments and fast-track their career goals. Applications are open now for the fall 2025 semester for the following positions:
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Construction Contract Management
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)/Paramedic
- Fleet Mechanic
- Graphic and Digital Design
- Information Technology
- Medical Administration
- Web Development
The application deadline is Monday, March 31.
Leon Works Expo Exhibitor Registration Now Open
Make connections and build opportunities as an exhibitor during the 10th annual Leon Works Expo!
Leon County Government and the Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality will host the Leon Works Expo on Friday, April 25, 2025, at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. The Expo will connect hundreds of local high school students to employers and academic institutions, creating opportunities to explore careers in the skilled workforce.
The Expo provides exhibitors the opportunity to share positive experiences about their field and provides students with hands-on, interactive learning opportunities. The deadline to apply as an exhibitor is Friday, April 11.
For more information and to register as an exhibitor, visit LeonCountyFL.gov/LeonWorks.
News and Events
Protect Your Home or Business From Flooding
Flooding can affect anyone, even those living outside of a high-risk zone, yet most renters, homeowners, and business insurance policies do not cover flood damage. Even if your residence or business is not required to purchase flood insurance, you should consider purchasing flood insurance as an important safeguard for your property. Visit LeonCountyFL.gov/FloodProtection to learn more about your flood risk, how to protect your home or business from flooding, the benefits of flood insurance, and more.
Property Tax Exemptions
If you own and occupy property in Leon County, you may qualify for homestead or other property tax exemptions. March 1 is the filing deadline for each tax year. Eligibility is based on your permanent residence status as of January 1, and exemptions do not automatically transfer between properties. Do not miss your opportunity to save on your property taxes! To learn more, contact the Leon County Property Appraiser at 850-606-6200 or visit leonpa.gov.
Board of County Commissioners Schedule February 2025
Tuesday, February 11, at 3 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting
County Courthouse, 5th Floor Commission Chambers - 301 S. Monroe Street
Tuesday, February 11, at 6 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing
County Courthouse, 5th Floor Commission Chambers - 301 S. Monroe Street
Thursday, February 13, at 3 p.m.
Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency Regular Meeting
City Hall, 2nd Floor Commission Chambers - 300 S. Adams Street
Tuesday, February 18, at 1:30 p.m.
Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) Regular Meeting
City Hall, 2nd Floor Commission Chambers - 300 S. Adams Street
Tuesday, February 25, at 2 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Mobility Elements Update Workshop
County Courthouse, 5th Floor Commission Chambers - 301 S. Monroe Street
Tuesday, February 25, at 3 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners Southside Action Plan Workshop
County Courthouse, 5th Floor Commission Chambers - 301 S. Monroe Street
Live television broadcasts of Board of County Commissioners meetings are available on Comcast channel 16, the Leon County Florida channel on Roku, the County’s , , and , and the County’s .
For meeting and location updates, visit .