Where Safety is Concerned, Defenders are on the Way!
At this Saturday’s Springtime Tallahassee, the Tallahassee-Leon County Public Safety Agencies’ mascots will join forces to educate local children about safety. Named the Public Safety Defenders, these six mascots represent Leon County Emergency Management, the City of Tallahassee Fire Department, the Consolidated Dispatch Agency, the City of Tallahassee Police Department, Leon County Emergency Medical Services and the Leon County Sheriff’s Office.
Members of the Public Safety Defenders include:
- Billy the Bucket, teaching hurricane preparedness with Leon County Emergency Management.
- Sparky the Dog, teaching fire safety with the City of Tallahassee Fire Department.
- Patch the Lion, teaching how to call 9-1-1 for emergencies with the Consolidated Dispatch Agency.
- McGruff the Crime Dog, teaching how to stop crime in its tracks with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office.
- Leon Lifesaver, teaching health and safety with Leon County Emergency Medical Services.
- Copper the Crime Fighting K-9, teaching safety tips for the whole family with the Tallahassee Police Department.
These mascots are no stranger to working together toward a common goal. Every day, these agencies work in coordination at the scene of emergencies to help keep residents safe.
On Saturday, April 2, Springtime Tallahassee attendees can find the Public Safety Defenders at their booth near the DoubleTree.
For more information, contact Mathieu Cavell, Community and Media Relations, at (850) 606-5300 / cmr@LeonCountyFL.gov .
About Leon County Emergency Management
Leon County’s nationally recognized Division of Emergency Management has guided local emergency response during three hurricanes between 2016-2019 and has remained a vital resource in local emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic for over two years. To prepare, act and recover from disasters, the division coordinates emergency management activities, services and programs within the community. Stay informed with emergency updates by visiting LeonCountyFL.gov/ei. Find a full list of hurricane preparedness items at HaveAHurricanePlan.com, and find preparedness tips from Billy the Bucket on Twitter.
About the City of Tallahassee Fire Department
The Tallahassee Fire Department delivers dedicated service to Tallahassee-Leon County and the region, including fire suppression, materials response, urban search and rescue for thirteen northern counties, emergency management, vehicle extrication, Advanced Life Support (ALS) medical care, fire safety code compliance review and enforcement, and public education with an emphasis on community risk reduction. For more information, visit Talgov.com/Fire and follow the department on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
About Leon County EMS
Launched in December 2003, Leon County Emergency Medical Services (EMS), a department of Leon County Government, has provided the highest quality emergency care available and continues to enhance this vital community service. Nationally accredited and recognized by the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services and the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, EMS provides clinically superior, cost-effective emergency medical services and transport to the citizens and visitors of Leon County. Stay up to date with all things EMS by liking or following EMS on Facebook.
About the City of Tallahassee Police Department
Driven by its core values of trust, loyalty and commitment, the Tallahassee Police Department has proudly served the citizens of Tallahassee since 1841. It is one of the oldest and longest accredited police departments in the nation. TPD aims to continuously enhance public safety and the quality of life enjoyed by residents. It prides itself on being here for you and focuses on building strong community partnerships. Learn more about this dynamic agency at Talgov.com/Police or by following the department on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
About Leon County Sheriff’s Office
The Leon County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to preserving the peace, protecting residents and their property, enforcing all laws, and detecting and preventing crime. As the elected, chief law enforcement officer for the county, Sheriff Walt McNeil oversees the agency of approximately 840 employees and is responsible for the jurisdiction that comprises more than 700 square miles.
Nationally accredited and recognized by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) and the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission (FCAC), the men and women of The Leon County Sheriff’s Office strive to maintain the highest professional standards while delivering a full range of community-based law enforcement and crime prevention programs to the citizens of Leon County. You can learn more about LCSO’s “ALLin” initiatives and programs by visiting www.leoncountyso.gov and by liking or following LCSO on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
About the Consolidated Dispatch Agency
The Consolidated Dispatch Agency (CDA) employs THE FIRST OF THE FIRST RESPONDERS. Public Safety Communications Operators (9-1-1 Dispatchers) serve as the critical link between people in distress and needed emergency services. The CDA dispatches emergency calls for service to local law enforcement, fire, medical or other emergency services. Dispatchers are trained to gather the crucial information needed by first responders to understand and prepare for arrival at the emergency scene, are the lifelines for citizens and first responders, play an integral role in ensuring help is provided where help is required and are trained to assist and emotionally regulate stressful situations. The CDA is committed to excellence and dedicated to professional and technological advancement.

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