January 11, 2020
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread globally, Leon County Emergency Management is committed to actively monitoring the disease and coordinating preparedness and response efforts with local health officials, healthcare providers, first responders and other critical emergency response functions.
The following update provides a timely, accurate and vetted source of official County and community information.
Significant Changes Since Last Update
The Florida Department of Health in Leon County is run by the State of Florida is charged with leading vaccine distribution efforts in Tallahassee/Leon County through their local office (the Florida Department of Health in Leon County). If you are age 65 or older, you may be vaccinated through the Florida Department of Health in Leon County as vaccines become available. For more information, please visit leon.floridahealth.gov.
- Free Drive-Thru COVID-19 testing at Leon County's Northeast Branch Library (5513 Thomasville Rd) on Saturday, January 16, 2021 from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
- Open to all patients, both symptomatic and asymptomatic.
- PCR molecular testing (results in 2-4 days).
- No appointments. Bring a valid photo ID and provide an email address.
- For more information, contact Neighborhood Medical Center at (850) 224-2469.
- Additional Testing Dates Scheduled at Northeast Branch Library:
- Sunday, January 31, 2021, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
- COVID-19 Testing Site at FAMU Bragg Memorial Stadium (1500 Wahnish Way, Tallahassee, FL 32307)
- The site is currently offering Rapid COVID-19 Antigen testing for all patients with results in less than 1 hour. PCR molecular testing is available by request with results in 3-4 days. Sign up for testing at curative.com
- Testing is free and open to the public. Appointments and walk-ups are accepted. Physician referral not required. Insurance is accepted but not required.
- The Rapid COVID-19 Antigen test sample is collected by a healthcare worker who will gently swab the inside of a patient's nostrils. This collection process is quick, easy and comfortable.
- Patients receive their Rapid COVID-19 Antigen results within one hour of testing by email or SMS text. The Florida Department of Health receives all patient results and will contact patients with positive results.
- The Curative RT-PCR molecular COVID-19 test is collected by a healthcare worker who will gently swab the inside of a patient's nostrils. This collection process is quick, easy and comfortable. Patient results will be available within 3-4 days.
- For inquires about their results, patients can contact the Curative support staff by calling 888-702-9042.
- The site is operational from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Saturday. The site closes when the number of allocated tests has been reached.
- WAIT TIMES MAY VARY: Appointment slots are considered a form of pre-registration and are not always reflective of the time you will be seen. Pre-registration ensures that you will get into the line more quickly.
- CDR Testing Center Now Open (1981 Capital Circle NE, Tallahassee, FL 32308)
- [Note: This site is a private testing site - insurance is not accepted]
- COVID-19 diagnostic (PCR), Rapid Antigen and Antibody testing available.
- Hours are Monday-Sunday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Appointments at CDR-Health.com preferred but not required. Referrals not required.
- Drive-thru testing and walk-in options are offered.
- Insurance is not accepted at this time. Cost is $135 for PCR Nasopharyngeal swab, $150 for PCR Saliva test, $125 for Rapid Antigen, $199 for combined PCR and Rapid Antigen, and $75 for Antibody testing.
- Rapid COVID-19 Antigen tests are completed in 15 to 20 minutes and PCR are completed 24 hours from receipt in the lab. Also, CDR-Health offers Flu and Strep A testing.
- For more information, visit CDR-Health.com, call 850-738-7977 or email info@cdr-health.com.
- County offering free face coverings for pickup at all Libraries. Leon County continues to make free face coverings available for pickup at all County library locations during regular hours. Through the library program and with OEV, the County has distributed over 475,000 masks to citizens. Five face masks per individual will be allowed for pickup to ensure adequate supply to meet demand. For locations and hours, visit www.LeonCountyLibrary.gov
Leon County's COVID-19 Health Metrics

- Weekly Documented New Cases
1,974 INCREASING (from 1,321 cases)
- Weekly Percent of Positive Cases
9.85% DECREASING (from 11.31%)
- Weekly Emergency Room Visits with Influenza-like Illness
19 DECREASING (from 30 visits)
- Weekly Emergency Room Visits with COVID-like Illness
90 DECREASING (from 103 visits)
COVID-19 by the Numbers. Global cases of COVID-19 now surpass 90 million. According to the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) there are or have been 22,218 positive cases of COVID-19 in Leon County. In Florida, there are or have been 1,488,586 positive cases of COVID-19, and 23,071 COVID-19-related deaths. These numbers are updated regularly by FDOH; visit the dashboard for more detailed information, here. Local testing date includes public and private tests performed in Leon County, including Antigen tests performed by Patients First.
Click below to access more COVID-19 information:

As you may have noticed, we are no longer including the entire community update in this message. Instead, we have organized all of the information from previous community updates in a COVID-19 Information Portal. Below you will find the content available on the portal.
Continue to follow www.LeonCountyFL.gov/eip for any local updates or changes to services.

Link to original article