The following COVID-19 community update provides a timely, accurate and vetted source of official County and community partner information.
Governor DeSantis announced expanded eligibility requirements for the COVID-19 vaccine across the state of Florida.
All individuals age 18 and older are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Those aged 16 and older may receive the Pfizer vaccine when accompanied by an adult. No proof of guardianship is required at this time.
Expanded eligibility requirements include:
- All individuals age 18 and older;
- Those aged 16 and older may receive the Pfizer vaccine with adult supervision;
Seniors who are homebound can sign up to have the vaccine delivered directly to them by emailing
Significant Changes Since Last Update
- The pre-registration system allows for people to choose vaccine preference
- If an individual loses their vaccine card, they can go back to their vaccine site to get a copy showing they had both vaccines.
- In coordination with the Tallahassee-Leon County Taskforce, County supports pop-up vaccination clinics. The Leon County Coronavirus Vaccination Taskforce will conduct outreach efforts promoting two upcoming pop-up vaccination clinics on Saturday, April 10. Both sites will offer Johnson and Johnson one-shot vaccine while supplies last. Follow us on Facebook for more details as we announce them.
- The first will be at Old West Florida Enrichment Center, 2344 Lake Bradford Road from 9 a.m. to noon.
- The second will be at the Leon County Woodville Community Center, 8000 Old Woodville Road, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Leon County launches new COVID-19 vaccine and testing map. Find your nearest testing or vaccine location here.
- Leon County has announced the County Emergency Rental Assistance program, which can provide up to 15 months of rent and/or utility assistance for income-eligible applicants. If you have been economically impacted by COVID-19, you may be eligible for critical financial support. Visit to apply now.
- Community partners offer to transport seniors to COVID-19 vaccination clinics via Lyft Ride Program. 2-1-1 in partnership with The United Way, 2-1-1 Big Bend and Lyft is offering transportation to COVID-19 vaccine sites through the Lyft Ride United Program. The project provides safe and reliable door to door rides to COVID-19 vaccine appointments at walk-up COVID-19 vaccination sites. Rides can be set up by calling 850-617-6325 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality (OEV) distributes cloth face coverings to businesses. Face coverings are available at the Tallahassee-Leon County Office of Economic Vitality (315 S. Calhoun Street, Suite 110, Tallahassee, FL, 32301) Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A business with one location is eligible for up to 100 face coverings. Local businesses with multiple locations are eligible for up to 200 face coverings. For FAQs regarding the distribution of masks to businesses, click here.
- County offering free face coverings for pickup at all Libraries. Leon County continues to make free face coverings available for pickup at all County library locations during regular hours. Through the library program and with OEV, the County has distributed over 475,000 masks to citizens. Five face masks per individual will be allowed to ensure adequate supply to meet demand. For locations and hours click here.
Leon County's COVID-19 Health Metrics

- Weekly Documented New Cases
177 DECREASING (from 231 cases)
- Weekly Percent of Positive Cases
2.47% DECREASING (from 2.98%)
- Weekly Emergency Room Visits with Influenza-like Illness
21 INCREASING (from 14 visits)
- Weekly Emergency Room Visits with COVID-like Illness
31 INCREASING (from 22 visits)
COVID-19 by the Numbers. Global cases of COVID-19 now exceed 131 million. According to the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) there are or have been 29,554 positive cases of COVID-19 in Leon County. In Florida, there are or have been 2,085,306 positive cases of COVID-19, and 33,710 COVID-19-related deaths. These numbers are updated regularly by FDOH; visit the dashboard for more detailed information, here. Local testing date includes public and private tests performed in Leon County, including Antigen tests.
Click below to access more COVID-19 information:

As you may have noticed, we are no longer including the entire community update in this message. Instead, we have organized all of the information from previous community updates in a COVID-19 Information Portal. Below you will find the content available on the portal.
Continue to follow for any local updates or changes to services.

Link to original article