Leon County Commissioner Bryan Desloge Elected Chair of Florida Trust Board of Trustees
Leon County Commissioner Bryan Desloge was recently elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Florida Local Government Investment Trust (Florida Trust). Appointed by the Florida Association of Counties in 2018, Commissioner Desloge serves alongside two other Commissioners and three Court Clerks on the Board and is responsible for steering investment strategy, guiding staff and overseeing audit processes.
“For almost 30 years the Florida Trust has provided local governments with consistent returns on investment, providing a measure of stability even in times of economic uncertainty,” said Leon County Commissioner Bryan Desloge. “I am proud to serve with my fellow commissioners and Court Clerks representatives on the Board of Trustees.”
The Florida Trust, co-created by the Florida Association of Counties and Florida Court Clerks & Comptrollers in 1991, operates two professionally managed funds available only to public entities in the state. It is the longest running member-owned and member-governed local government investment pool in the state of Florida.
Commissioner Desloge, a Leon County native, was first elected to the Leon County Board of County Commissioners in 2006 and is currently serving in his fourth term. He is a past president of both the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) and continues to serve on the FAC Board of Directors and the NACo Board of Directors.
For more information, visit floridatrustonline.com.
For more information, please contact Chris Klena, Aide to Commissioner Bryan Desloge, at (850) 606-5374 / KlenaC@LeonCountyFL.gov or Mathieu Cavell, Leon County Community and Media Relations, at (850) 606-5300 / CMR@LeonCountyFL.gov.

Pictured: Bryan Desloge, Leon County Commissioner and Doug Smith, Martin County Commissioner