County Announces Significant Federal Funding Appropriation to Benefit Community Project
After ongoing engagement at the national level, Leon County has secured a significant appropriation of $800,000 in the upcoming federal FY 2024 appropriations package. Signed by the President and sponsored by Florida Congressman Dunn, the federal appropriation will support the County’s Fords Arm restoration project to enhance the water quality treatment for stormwater entering Fords Arm of Lake Jackson.
"This appropriation is a testament to the unwavering commitment of the Leon County government to explore and secure vital funding at the federal and state levels," said Leon County Commission Chair Carolyn Cummings. "This award will further the ongoing efforts of the County to enhance the overall quality of surface and groundwater in the Lake Jackson area."
Specifically, the federal funding will support:
- Enhancing water quality treatment for stormwater entering Fords Arm of Lake Jackson, a designated "Outstanding Florida Water."
- Completing a culvert replacement under Timberlane Road, the final segment in the County's investment in Fords Arm of Lake Jackson.
- Significantly reducing the discharge of nutrients, especially phosphorus, into Lake Jackson through advanced stormwater treatment.
- Preventing flooding along area roadways by improving stormwater infrastructure and management.
"With the support of federal funds, the County's Ford Arms restoration project will preserve our water quality, prevent flooding along roadways, and so much more," said Leon County Administrator Vincent S. Long.
This federal investment will supplement other County efforts completed to date to protect the surface water and groundwater quality of Lake Jackson, including construction of a new stormwater management facility, channel stabilization, and drainage improvements.
The timeline for the distribution of the federal funding and the project construction will be announced at a future date as the County finalizes plans and schedules for implementation.
For more information, contact Nicki Paden, Assistant to the County Administrator for Legislative and Strategic Initiatives, at 850-606-5300 /, or Mathieu Cavell, Leon County Community and Media Relations, at 850-606-5300 /