A Message from the Library Director
Who runs the world? GIRLS! Women have been making waves since the beginning of time, and we can’t stop, won’t stop now. As we celebrate the women who have stepped out and pioneered in politics, arts, sciences, and sports, let’s not forget the homemakers and stay-at-home moms who hold down the fort and keep order in chaos and the everyday women who are dedicated to inspiring and empowering others.
March is Women’s History Month, which is a great time to recognize the contributions and sacrifices that women have made and continue to make to better our society. I challenge you to learn more about a strong woman, either historically or presently in your life. The library offers a plethora of materials that can empower, engage, and inform. You can join an existing book club, start a new one (we have book club kits already prepared), or just take the time to educate someone else or learn together.
There are amazing stories that need to be told and heard if we take the time to listen, read, and watch. The dynamic team at YOUR public library has even made it easy for you to get started. Visit our Women’s History Month website for a list of materials and programs. - Pamela Monroe
