How to Start and Sustain a Neighborhood Association
The Tallahassee-Leon County Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA), functions as the community’s best provider of professional development and relationship building for neighborhood and homeowners associations. CONA believes that neighborhoods are essential to maintaining a strong and vibrant community and serve as the connectors between City and County governments and local businesses.
Neighbors and neighborhoods play an important role in preserving our local communities. Neighborhood and homeowners associations are encouraged to affiliate with the Tallahassee-Leon County Council of Neighborhood Associations to access resources and neighborhood support. For more information, including news and events, visit CONA's website.

In continuing its commitment to providing citizens the tools they need to create new opportunities in their communities, Leon County has compiled a list of additional resources to help those looking to learn more about neighborhood associations and how to enhance involvement in their neighborhood.
Guide for Starting a Successful Neighborhood Association
This guide prepared by the City of Fayetteville, AR, functions as a neighborhood association toolbox that can assist you in starting your new neighborhood association. It includes suggested neighborhood projects, communication plans for group effectiveness, how to get involved in political action, and information on incorporation and nonprofit status.
How to Organize a Neighborhood Organization
The City of Tallahassee provides additional information for those seeking about the benefit of forming a neighborhood association.
Taking Action!: A Manual for Neighborhood Associations
Prepared by the Neighborhood Services Office in College Station, TX, this manual provides information on the how to run a successful neighborhood organization. It also includes sample bylaws, agendas, flyers, and meeting plans.