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Responsive Volunteerism and Community Engagement

Kay Pelt-Walker

Kay Pelt-Walker,
Volunteer Services Coordinator

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301 S Monroe Street
Suite 502
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Volunteer Services is a division of Leon County Government that believes strong communities identify and solve problems alongside local government. By answering our needs through service, Leon County supports interconnected neighborhoods and families, answering the needs of tomorrow today.

During Disasters Volunteer Services/VolunteerLEON in partnership with Leon County Emergency Management lead the Big Bend Communities Active in Disaster (COAD).

Leon County Volunteer Opportunities

Internship Program
Library Volunteer Program
Citizen Committies
Disaster Volunteer and Donation
Parks and Recreation
Big Bend COAD
Community Opportunities

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2024 Annual Report Video 5:34
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