Tire’d of Mosquitoes? Drop Off Old Tires This Fall
Leon County to Host Tire Amnesty Days to Prevent Mosquito Breeding Grounds
WHO: Leon County
WHAT: Tire Amnesty Days
WHEN: October 1 through November 20
WHERE: Leon County Solid Waste Facility and Rural Waste Sites
To help prevent breeding grounds for mosquitoes, Leon County Government, in partnership with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, will host its tire amnesty event for citizens to drop off tires for free. The event will take place over several weeks beginning Thursday, October 1, and continuing through Friday, November 20 with social distancing guidelines in place.
Just one tire improperly stored in a backyard can become a breeding ground for thousands of mosquitoes which can carry diseases like Zika, West Nile and Dengue Fever. Citizens can dispose of old tires for free, helping to keep the community safe. Through the program, Leon County has collected 300 tons of tires which have been recycled and repurposed for reuse in playgrounds and other facilities.
Starting October 1, citizens can drop off tires at the Leon County Solid Waste Facility or at one of the Rural Waste Service Centers during normal business hours. All Leon County citizens who bring a valid ID verifying their County residence may participate.
Residents may dispose of up to 25 passenger car tires free of charge. Commercial loads will not be accepted. This event is for tires only and no other items can be accepted. For more information, visit www.LeonCountyFL.gov/Mosquito
Beyond Tire Amnesty Days, citizens may visit the Leon County Solid Waste Facility and Rural Waste Service Centers to dispose of tires, household garbage, recyclables, yard waste, bulky household items, hazardous waste and white goods during normal business hours. Normal service charges will apply.
For more information, contact Glen Pourciau, Leon County Public Works at (850) 606-1400 / PourciauG@LeonCountyFL.gov or Mathieu Cavell, Leon County Community and Media Relations, at (850) 606-5300 / CMR@LeonCountyFL.gov.

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