Leon County’s Citizen Engagement Series Underscores Importance of Preparedness
Yesterday, Leon County Government hosted its Citizens Engagement Series on disaster resilience, highlighting its commitment to teaching community preparedness and safety. The event provided an opportunity for dozens of County residents to learn how to prepare for all types of disasters from local public safety experts.
The Citizen Engagement Series: Disaster Resilience Edition gathered non-profit partners, preparedness experts, public safety officials, and community members to discuss the importance of building community preparedness and resilience against both man-made and natural disasters. The recent May 10 tornado outbreak underscored the importance of these efforts, highlighting the need for comprehensive preparedness.
“The preparedness of a community has a direct reflection on the citizens and the neighborhoods,” said Leon County Commission Chair Carolyn D. Cummings. “Events like the Citizen Engagement series are crucial, especially when an extremely active hurricane season has been predicted. It is imperative for our residents to begin the preparations now, before disaster strikes.”
Since its inception in 2012, the County’s award-winning Citizens Engagement Series has aimed to engage citizens in innovative and impactful ways. This year’s focus on disaster resilience featured demonstrations and hands-on activities centered on disaster preparedness. Participants had the unique opportunity to go behind the scenes at the Emergency Operations Center and learn effective strategies for responding before, during, and after a disaster.
"At Leon County Government, we've seen firsthand the critical role resilience plays in disaster response," said Leon County Administrator Vincent S. Long. "The collaboration between County staff and community partners, working together before, during, and after a disaster, is essential to keeping our citizens safe and well-informed."
Yesterday’s event reflects the County’s continued dedication to building a more engaged and resilient community. Residents are encouraged to visit LeonReady.com, the County’s online disaster preparedness resource to help citizens, families, and neighborhoods prepare for and respond to disasters. The site also offers sign-ups for the County’s Neighborhood Readiness Trainings, designed to help unincorporated communities prepare for hurricane season.
"Each emergency is an opportunity to enhance our knowledge and build a stronger, more resilient community for future storms," said Leon County Emergency Management Director Kevin Peters. "Our commitment to continuous learning and resilience has earned Leon County the distinction of being the nation's first #HurricaneStrong community."
In addition to the award-winning Citizens Engaged Series and the disaster preparedness resources online, Leon County partnered with Elder Care Services to deliver 100 buckets filled with starter supplies to those in critical need.
The County also distributed its 2024-25 Disaster Survival Guide at the beginning of the hurricane season in June. Printed copies of the guide are available at County and City facilities, with an online version accessible at LeonReady.com.
For more information, contact Kevin Peters, Leon County Emergency Management Director, at 850-606-3700 / PetersK@LeonCountyFL.gov or Mathieu Cavell, Leon County Community and Media Relations, at 850-606-5300 / CMR@LeonCountyFL.gov.