Leon County Now Accepting Grant Applications for Sports Events
In an ongoing effort to promote tourism and support events that bring out-of-town visitors to the area, the Leon County Division of Tourism (Visit Tallahassee) is now accepting applications for its 2019-2020 Sports Events Grants.
Eligible event(s) must take place between March 6 and Sept. 30, 2020 and have a history of or significant potential for attracting visitors to the area who stay overnight in commercial lodging.
For additional information or to apply online, click here. Applications are due Feb. 17, 2020.
The Sports Event Grant Program is administered by the Leon County Tourist Development Council and designated advisory groups, including the Tallahassee Sports Council. For more information on sports grant funding, please contact Terri Messler at (850) 606-2331 or Terri.Messler@VisitTallahassee.com.
About The Leon County Division of Tourism/Visit Tallahassee: The Leon County Division of Tourism (Visit Tallahassee) is the official destination marketing organization for Tallahassee-Leon County. Tourism is charged with marketing Tallahassee-Leon County nationally as a premier leisure, business and sports destination through direct sales, advertising, public relations, sports and visitor services. Named as one of Southern Living’s top 10 Cities of the South, in 2019, Tallahassee-Leon County welcomed 2.4 million visitors who contributed $1.04 billion in economic impact and accounts for more than 16,150 people employed in our community in the tourism & hospitality industry. For more information, go to VisitTallahassee.com or call toll free (800) 628-2866. Engage with Visit Tallahassee on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #iHeartTally and #Trailahassee.

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