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Leon County Encourages Continued Preparedness and Vigilance during National Preparedness Month

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 1, 2023

Leon County Encourages Continued Preparedness and Vigilance during National Preparedness Month

In the wake of Hurricane Idalia, which highlighted the County’s ongoing commitment to preparedness and resilience, Leon County continues to underscore the importance of disaster readiness as National Preparedness Month kicks off. This reminder is part of the County’s ongoing commitment to cultivating a resilient community where residents can effectively respond to disasters and emergencies in their homes, businesses, and neighborhoods. The recent storm served as a reminder of the significance of comprehensive planning and swift response in the face of natural and man-made disasters. As part of its intensified efforts to safeguard its residents, Leon County is emphasizing the importance of essential resources and tools to ensure comprehensive readiness for any hazards and a swift recovery.

"Leon County's dedication to education and building a resilient community remains unwavering," said Leon County Commission Chairman Nick Maddox. "The preparation of our citizens, neighborhoods, and businesses proved vital during Hurricane Idalia. The moment to prepare for future challenges is now."

As part of its intensified efforts to safeguard the community, Leon County has developed a host of critical resources to help residents prepare for any natural or human-caused disaster. These resources are intended to help individuals, businesses, and neighborhoods better prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. Among the resources are:
  •, a hub of disaster resilience resources.
  • Neighborhood Readiness Training, led by Emergency Management experts for unincorporated County neighborhoods.
  • 2023 Disaster Survival Guide, critical information to know before, during, and after a disaster. Printed copies of the guide are available at all County and City of Tallahassee facilities, along with the American Red Cross, 1115 Easterwood Drive.
  • Leon Alerts, time-sensitive emergency messages to your email or phone related to incidents such as severe weather and evacuations.
  • Citizens Connect App, Leon County’s best source for emergency news and alerts.
 The preparedness resources and materials highlight Leon County’s commitment to emergency preparedness, learning and improving from previous disasters to better prepare for future emergencies. This dedication was recognized in 2018 when FEMA and the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) designated Leon County as the nation’s first #HurricaneStrong community.
“With our lead role in emergency response, the County’s dedication to the safety and well-being of Leon County residents is unwavering,” said Leon County Administrator Vincent S. Long. “Idalia is a reminder to us all to stay informed and stay ready. As a resident of this special community, be sure to do your part to prepare for disasters."
National Preparedness Month is observed each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. This year's observance, spearheaded by FEMA, places a special focus on preparing older adults for disasters, recognizing the crucial role of community members in reaching out and checking on their senior neighbors. Leon County joins local, state, and federal emergency response partners in observing National Preparedness Month. 
At the start of the 2023 hurricane season, Leon County distributed its 2023 Disaster Survival Guide and partnered with Elder Care Services to deliver 100 buckets filled with starter supplies to those in critical need. Additionally, on June 22, 2023, the County also hosted the Disaster Resilience Edition of the Citizen Engagement Series with hands-on activities and demonstrations for a record number of attendees, placing critical disaster preparedness information front of mind.
“As we enter the peak of the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season with an updated forecast for an above-average season, we must ensure that our families, businesses, and institutions are equipped to face what may come," said Leon County Emergency Management Director Kevin Peters. " Preparedness isn't a one-time event. It's an ongoing commitment."
For more information, contact Mathieu Cavell, Leon County Community and Media Relations, at (850) 606-5300 /   
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