May 1, 2020
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread globally, Leon County Emergency Management is committed to actively monitoring the disease and coordinating preparedness efforts with local health officials, healthcare providers, first responders, and other critical emergency response functions.
The following update provides a timely, accurate, and vetted source of official County and community information.
Significant Changes since Last Update
- Leon County to Re-Open in alignment with the State of Florida. Starting Monday, May 4, County government will be re-opening in very small steps and in alignment with the State of Florida. In addition, the countywide curfew will expire and not be renewed as of Monday, May 4 at 12:01 a.m. More here.Â
Service Updates are Indicated Below:
County Libraries
- Library locations remain closed to the public.
- Libraries will now offer curbside pick-up and drop-off services for print and other media materials at the County main library and all branches under select hours.
- Main library, Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Branch libraries, Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- To learn more about curbside services and access online library services, visit
- Library patrons may use the online catalog or library mobile app to reserve, or call (850) 606-2665. Once reserved, patrons will receive instructions when to report to library and how to contact a librarian to bring out the reserved materials.
- Continue to offer library-based telephone services on (850) 606-2665.
Development Support and Environmental Management (DSEM)
- All online services remain accessible.
- One-on-one appointments may now be scheduled by calling (850) 606-1300.
- No walk-ins at this time.
Parks and Recreation
- Greenways and trails will remain open.
- Active recreation programming will remain closed.
- Community centers will remain closed.
- Dog parks and playgrounds remain closed.Â
Solid Waste
- Household hazardous waste, tires and yard debris drop off and free mulch pick-up re-open (after soft launch this week) at the Solid Waste Management Facility, 7550 Apalachee Parkway.
- Leon County Schools announces its Smart Bus Initiative to provide free Wifi for students and their families. The LCS SmartBus Initiative will provide identified neighborhoods with school buses outfitted with Wi-Fi technology that enhances Internet accessibility so students engage with their teachers and classmates, safely and securely at home. More here.Â
- Beginning on May 4 Florida will enter Phase 1 of the Safe. Smart. Step-by-Plan for Florida's Recovery. Governor DeSantis outlines steps for a phased reopening based upon recommendations from the Re-Open Florida Task Force. View the Governor's Executive Order.  View Frequently Asked Questions about Phase 1. More here.Â
- County Waste Centers reopen for drop off on April 30. Residents may resume dropping off hazardous waste and solid waste materials during normal business hours. Credit/debit cards are encouraged to avoid handling cash.  More on Household Hazardous Waste.  More on Rural Waste.  More on Solid Waste
- CDC Adds More Known Symptoms Associated with COVID-19. Chills, muscle pain, new loss of taste and smell, sore throat and headache are among the ailments now considered potential indicators of the disease. More here.Â
- COVID-19 by the Numbers. Global cases of COVID-19 now surpass 3.3 million. According to the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) there are 212 positive cases of COVID-19 in Leon County. In Florida, there are now 34,728 positive cases of COVID-19, and 1,314 COVID-19-related deaths. These numbers are updated regularly by FDOH; visit the dashboard for more detailed information, here.Â
Click below to access more COVID-19 information:

As you may have noticed, we are no longer including the entire community update in this message. Instead, we have organized all of the information from previous community updates in a COVID-19 Information Portal. Below you will find the content available on the portal.
Continue to follow for any local updates or changes to services.

Link to original article