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Growing Green Together this May

Sustainability Newsletter

Thanks for signing up to receive email notifications from Leon County Sustainability! This is our first sustainability newsletter, and we are thrilled to engage you in the journey of creating a more sustainable lifestyle. Know of any friends or family that would be interested in hearing from us, too? They can subscribe here

Our sustainability work has shifted more virtual as our community combats COVID-19, but we remain excited and available to work with the Leon County community and are always looking for new opportunities to connect. Feel free to email us at or give us a call at 850-606-5021.

Meet the Sustainability Team

Sustainability Team

Tessa Schreiner - Tessa, our Sustainability Manager, manages the Office of Sustainability's many projects, oversees policy recommendations and community outreach, and guides the County's efforts to meet our sustainability goals. In addition to traveling and going on adventures in her free time, you may find her enjoying a round of disc golf or playing volleyball with friends!

Shelby Green - Shelby is our Sustainability Analyst and spends her time quantifying sustainability metrics related to the County’s operations and creating models that help articulate the research guiding our work. When she is not creating beautiful spreadsheets, you’ll find her biking along the St. Marks Trail or floating in the Cherokee Sinkhole!

Tobias Raether - Tobias serves as our Sustainability Programs Coordinator, where he helps promote sustainability within County operations and the community at large, through educational outreach events and written content. When he is not giving presentations or engaging the community at events, Tobias enjoys riding Tallahassee’s many single-track bike trails and trying new local food! (Fun fact: Tobias completed a solo bike journey across the United States in 50 days!)

#SaferAtHome Sustainability Tips

Grow a garden

1) Do a Waste Audit

As many of us are spending most of our time at home, now is a great opportunity to conduct a waste audit. An audit is the first step to better understanding what you normally use and throw away (in the trash and recycling bin!) each week. This will help you identify waste that could be composted, recycled, or avoided entirely by finding reusable alternatives. All you have to do is grab some gloves, go through your trash, and take inventory of what's inside. We challenge you to make a plan to eliminate 1 item from your trash can!

2) Reduce your Energy Use

Spending more time indoors can quickly lead to using more energy in your home – but it does not have to be this way. Simple habits like opening a window when it is cool out, turning off unused lights, and turning your A/C up just one degree can have a tremendous impact. The collective impact of these actions will save energy and save you money! We challenge you to take one step to reduce your energy use at home.

3) Grow a Garden

Whether planting native plants for pollinators and other wildlife, or planting herbs and vegetables for your own consumption, gardening promotes sustainability and helps the environment. If gardening is not for you, consider supporting local growers by shopping at the farmer’s market, looking for local produce in stores, and or supporting a local nursery and gift a friend a plant! We challenge you to grow (or gift!) one vegetable or native plant this spring!

Did You Know?

Did you know that Leon County passed the Integrated Sustainability Action Plan in 2019?

The plan sets a goal for Leon County to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from County operations by 30% by 2030 (from 2015 levels) - on top of a 20% reduction already achieved between 2007 and 2015!

We invite you to look through the plan and see what other goals and action items we're working on.

Social Media Highlight

Using this time to become even more sustainable? Share your story on your social media accounts utilizing #SustainabilitySuperstar to have your posts shared by Leon County Sustainability or to be featured as a future Social Media Highlight!

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