Flash Flood Watch from 7/31/18 8:00 p.m. to 8/2/18 8:00 p.m. for Leon County.
Never drive through standing water. Treat any intersection with non-working traffic signals as an “all way” stop. Be prepared to stop at every intersection.
Do not walk through flood waters. It only takes six inches of water to knock you down.
Don’t go into any room if water has submerged electrical outlets or cords.
After a flood, stay out of standing water or structures until authorities advise it’s safe.
Standing water could contain toxins, chemicals, dangerous debris and wildlife.
Learn more about floods: Leon County has a comprehensive website on our area’s flood hazards and how residents can become better prepared: LeonCountyFL.gov/floodprotection.
To sign up for timely emergency alerts, visit www.LeonCountyFL.gov/News.
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