Drainage Improvements Prompt Temporary Closure of Meridian Road
To address persistent flooding, Leon County will temporarily close Meridian Road between John Hancock Drive and Timberlane Road (just north of the I-10 overpass) beginning Monday, May 11. Originally scheduled to begin June 1 during summer break, county staff accelerated the 10-week long construction project to align with less traffic on the road as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The project will improve water quality and reduce flooding in the southeast area of Lake Jackson.
To view the detour route, frequently asked questions and other information, visit www.LeonCountyFL.gov/Meridian. Individuals can also submit questions to RoadClosures@LeonCountyFL.gov. During the road closure, traffic will be redirected to Thomasville Road with appropriate signage.
Historically, heavy rain has caused water to overtop Meridian Road and created hazardous conditions. To reduce flooding, Leon County will improve drainage and install large box culverts to move water beneath the roadway. Such improvements will also treat stormwater and reduce soil erosion, improving the health of adjacent wetlands and Lake Jackson.
The temporary closure of Meridian Road is part of a larger drainage improvement project for the area which started in March 2020. While Meridian Road will reopen by August 2020, other improvements will be completed by March 2021 and will not require further road closures.
For more information, contact Theresa Heiker, Leon County Public Works, at (850) 606-1500 / HeikerT@LeonCountyFL.gov , or Mathieu Cavell, Leon County Community and Media Relations, at (850) 606-5300 / cmr@LeonCountyFL.gov .

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