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County Commissioners Lindley and Maddox Earn Florida Association of Counties Designation

County Commissioners Lindley and Maddox Earn Florida

Association of Counties Designation

Lindley and Maddox Receive Advanced County Commissioner Certification 

In June, Leon County Commissioners Mary Ann Lindley and Nick Maddox were presented with the Advanced County Commissioner (ACC) designation during an awards ceremony held at the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Annual Conference in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Lindley and Maddox received this designation along with 16 other Florida county commissioners following the completion of a comprehensive program developed by FAC.

"This is the toughest, most complex, yet rewarding jobs I’ve ever had," said Leon County Commission Vice Chairman Nick Maddox. "The skills I have learned during this extensive program will allow me to continue to better serve Leon County residents.”

The ACC program is organized as a series of three seminars, with 27 hours of course work. The course content focuses on leading within Florida’s counties. Seminars include topics covering tough policy choices, leading communities and understanding and working with stakeholders. 

The Florida Association of Counties staff and their exceptional, professional education programs have helped me better navigate the complexities of county issues,” said At-Large Commissioner Mary Ann Lindley. “Even after serving for five years, there are always lessons to learn and I look forward to applying them in the future.”

This year, the program saw 18 commissioners graduate in June with a total of 204 graduating since the inception of the program in 2006. Launched by FAC, the ACC education program is an advanced leadership program designed for graduates of the Certified County Commissioners (CCC) program.

“Graduates of the Advanced County Commissioner program have shown an exemplary commitment to public service” said FAC Executive Director Ginger Delegal. “This invaluable program brings together veteran commissioners from throughout Florida to work collaboratively on Florida’s most pressing challenges.”

For more than 85 years, FAC has represented the diverse interests of Florida’s counties, emphasizing the importance of protecting home rule – the concept that government closest to the people governs best. The Florida Association of Counties helps counties effectively serve and represent Floridians by strengthening and preserving county home rule through advocacy, education and collaboration.

For more information, contact Mathieu Cavell, Leon County Community and Media Relations, at (850) 606-5300 / .




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