Message from Library Director Pamela Monroe

Most people that I have talked to remember when they got their first library card. I find it exhilarating to hear adults reminisce about walking into the big building of books at the age of four or five and being handed a card that gave them access to this entire world of knowledge.
Fast forward to 2022, and we have added many more tools to our library toolkit. With eBooks and eAudio, tools (literally) and hotspots from our Library of Things, and Wonderbooks, libraries have evolved into places that offer so many things. Patrons can reserve meeting rooms and individual study spaces for free with a library card as a public place to conduct a meeting. You can “checkout” seeds for your fall or spring garden and interact with master gardeners for tips to help your fruits and vegetables grow.
Libraries really are MAGIC, and your card gives you the privilege to wield it. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to visit to receive a free library card and discover the magic at the LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library System.