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Leon County Public Library Newsletter April 2023

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April 2023

Message from Library Director Pamela Monroe

I became a librarian in 2009. This is not only one of my greatest achievements but a very empowering one. As a school librarian, I was able to pull children into a world that many could not even consider. We saved dragons (Eragon), experienced being lost in the Canadian wilderness (Hatchet), became wizards (Harry Potter series), and learned about the world around us (DK). While I was on the front end of storytelling and teaching, the library assistant was doing the real work by making sure books were shelved, keeping the collection in order, and checking books in and out. Her hard work kept the place running. This is when I truly learned to appreciate the work of library staff.   

National Library Workers Day on April 25 allows us to take a moment and recognize the fantastic staff and volunteers who help our library system function and thrive. I am most proud of this stellar group of people who happily and tirelessly assist citizens every day from working with the collection to developing programs. This work is not always easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it. Helping people is our passion and hopefully it shows in the service we provide. Next time you stop by, take a moment to thank our library workers. They are all pieces of gold that are to be treasured.

Amazing things are happening!
Pamela Monroe, Library Director

Link to Autism Acceptance Month page

April is National Autism Acceptance Month, where we celebrate autism and neurodiversity with events and resources that spread awareness and promote acceptance. Enjoy art exhibits, story times, a resource fair, and more throughout the month.

Link to Leon County Library Ask a Librarian page

Have you ever had a question for library staff right after the library closed? Or needed help but couldn’t get away from the office? Ask-A-Librarian is available to serve as your human search engine! You can text, chat, or email a librarian from the comfort of your couch to get help with your questions. Chat services are available Sunday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to midnight, and Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Emails and text messages can be sent 24 hours a day, and staff will respond during chat service hours. You can also access Ask-A-Librarian in the “Connect with Us” section of the Library app!

Link to 	
Adult Spanish Conversation Class page
¡Hola! (Hello!) Every Tuesday in April from 11 a.m.-12 p.m., stop by the Literacy Classroom on the third floor of the Main Library for the Spanish Conversation Class to learn Spanish while native Spanish speakers learn English in a fun and relaxed setting. The community can practice their conversational skills by discussing life, art, music, food, and other topics of interest.
Link to Mindfulness in Daily Life page
The library is excited to offer Mindfulness in Daily Life, a series of hybrid talks featuring meditation teachers from the Tallahassee Chan Center. The series will include guided meditations and reflections on how mindfulness relieves stress and improves work efficiency, relaxation of the body, and relationships. Join virtually or in person at the Dr. B.L. Perry, Jr. Branch Library from 6-7 p.m.
  • Mindful Eating with Maria Williamson on Thursday, April 6
  • Practicing Meditation While Working with Sara Khan on Thursday, April 13
Virtual Author Talks: watch live or view recordings

Enjoy engaging virtual Author Talks with bestselling authors from a wide range of fiction and non-fiction genres. Tune in for these live events with interactive Q&As, or watch the recording afterward. 

Upcoming virtual Author Talks include:

View the calendar for more special events, story times & book clubs.
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