Kirsten Mood
At Large Director
About Kirsten Mood
What motivated you to become a Director for the Friends of the Library?
After having my daughter and becoming a mom, I suddenly became very interested in educational programming available for Tallahassee kids, and FOL seems like a wonderful way to get involved, especially given how much the Library has given me since I moved to Tallahassee.
What superpowers do you bring to the FOL Board?
I may not always be first, but I always finish! I am annoyingly persistent, have a strong familiarity with Robert’s Rules of Order from work as a local government lawyer, and know my way around a website.
Where were you born, and how long have you lived in Tallahassee?
I was born in Panama City, Florida, and I have lived in Tallahassee mostly since I moved here for law school in 2011, except for a brief post-graduate hiatus in Washington, DC.
What are your favorite reading genres?
My current favorite reading genre is horror/thrillers. I alternate between non-fiction, horror/thrillers, and fantasy.
What is your favorite book of all time?
I’m going to cheat and pick a favorite series of all time— Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files. The only Wizard named Harry I recognize is Dresden.
Name four three recent books you would highly recommend.
I’m cheating again: (1) for fun, Gary Hendrix’s The Southern Book Club’s Guide for Slaying Vampires; (2) for parents, Cribsheet by Emily Oster; (3) for me, Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner; and (4) for all humanity, Dolly Parton’s Songteller, because who doesn’t love Dolly Parton?
Do you prefer to read printed books, ebooks or audiobooks?
I was once a printed book snob, but now I’m partial to audiobooks while driving.
Where is your favorite place to read?
My current favorite place to “read” audiobooks is in my car, while driving.
What do you do in your spare time?
I am pretty crafty, and sometimes I write.
Are you a dog lover or cat lover?
Cats are nice, but can I pet your dog? I have 2, @LelandStanford3 the English Bulldog and @HowieMood, the Labrador.