Power Outages

City of Tallahassee Electric Customers

Report a power outage by calling 850-891-4968 or 711 (TDD), online at Talgov.com/Outages or the DigiTally mobile app.

All outage reports received by phone or online are automatically routed to the electric outage management system, which helps quickly assign and dispatch work crews at all hours.

Other Resources:


Talquin Electric Customers

Power Issue?

No more waiting on hold to report an outage, text it! Sign up for Talquin Electric text notification and outage reporting via text.

If the system does not recognize your phone number when you click on the link above to report an outage, please call 850-627-7651 during business hours to update your records.

Water Issue?

Report a water issue by calling 850-562-2115, or report the issue using the online form.


Duke Energy Customers

Report a Duke Energy Power Outage Online or call 800-228-8485.

Duke Energy power outage map

Sign up for Duke Energy phone or email alerts, or text REG to 57801 for text alerts

Storm safety tips