Leading the Way

200 Years of Representation and Progress in Leon County


Old Leon County Health Department

Major Infrastructure Projects:

  • September 30, 1969: Leon County authorizes an eternal “Flame of Freedom” gas-fed torch to be installed on the Courthouse lawn by the American Legion Sauls-Bridges Post 13 to commemorate American veterans who gave their life in service to their country.
  • August 19, 1969: Leon County approves modification of the courthouse to expand the State Attorney’s office. 
  • May 15, 1968: Leon County authorizes the construction of a new dam to stabilize Lake Munson. 
  • April 16, 1968: Leon County accepts a $62,281 bid from Ajax Construction Company for construction of a concrete block Motor Vehicle Inspection Station at Perkins and South Monroe streets. The station would begin operation on June 1, 1968, as required by law. 
  • 1966: Leon County opens its 18,754 square-foot Health Department on Municipal Way to support a staff of 44 and County population of 85,000.
  • 1966: Leon County Jail moves to a new building on Municipal Way, between Dupree Street and Appleyard Drive. 
  • June 26, 1966: The County dedicates its new $430,000 Health Department building, located at Municipal Way and Appleyard Drive, during a public open house. 
  • May 25, 1965: Leon County awards construction of the County Health Center to Bear Construction Company of Tallahassee for $343,240. 
  • November 1963: Leon County awards building contract for the County’s Health Department Center to Huddleston, Satterfield, Evans and Little for designing the structure. 
  • June 25, 1963: The Leon County Board of County Commissioners adopt the new name “Capital Circle” for the road circling Tallahassee, which began construction following the Board’s approval in 1959. The project was originally proposed in 1950. 
  • April 30, 1963: Leon County accepts the County Agriculture Center from contractor T.T. Jones and authorizes final payment on the building. 
  • March 26, 1963: Leon County awards a $119,427 contract to Bear Construction Company to build the new County Juvenile Detention Center and selects Dale Mabry Industrial Park as the location. 
  • February 12, 1963: Leon County takes over operation of the fairgrounds recreation building at the request of the City of Tallahassee. 

Archival Photo of Storytime at the Leon County Public Library

  • 1962: The library moves to the old Elks Club building at 127 North Monroe Street, more than doubling its space to 12,000 square feet.
  • March 1, 1961: Leon County authorizes the installation of surface wells, pumps, and sinks at Williams Landing and Coe Landing for use by fisherman and picnickers. 
  • June 30, 1960: Leon County renames Douglas Road off of Mission Road to Appleyard Drive. 
  • January 20, 1960: Leon County signs a contract with Jack Culpepper for construction of the five-story addition to the Leon County Courthouse. 

Significant Achievements:

  • March 16, 1961: Leon County creates its first engineer position in the County road department. 

Key Community Initiatives:

  • September 30, 1969: A prisoner work-release program is approved by Leon County which allows certain select prisoners to work at jobs while serving their jail sentence.
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