Allan J. Charles

About Allan J. Charles
What motivated you to become a Director for the Friends of the Library?
I have so many great childhood memories of times spent at my local library and wanted to help other kids (including my own) have the same opportunity.
What superpowers do you bring to the FOL Board?
Where were you born, and how long have you lived in Tallahassee?
Born in Michigan. I've lived in Tallahassee since 2018.
What are your favorite reading genres?
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery
What is your favorite book of all time?
Père Goriot by Honoré de Balzac. It wasn't an "easy" or "fun" read but fifteen years later it still messes with my head when I think about it. I think that's the sign of a good book.
Name three recent books you would highly recommend.
1) Gator Country by Rebecca Renner - such a great (true) story and even better if you've worked at a state agency in Tallahassee.
2) Dune - it's such a cliché to say that the book is better. The books are great, the new mini-series is great, the 1984 film is great (in its own way).
3) Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian
Do you prefer to read printed books, ebooks or audiobooks?
I love the feel and smell of paper books, but I love audiobooks and the ones with sound effects may have brought me over to the dark side.
Where is your favorite place to read?
Cozied up by my fireplace.
What do you do in your spare time?
Taking my daughter to our City's amazing parks.
Are you a dog lover or cat lover?
Dog. My wife and I have bite mark scars from the same cat.