Leading the Way

200 Years of Representation and Progress in Leon County

Mary Ann Lindley

Mary Ann Lindley

County Commissioner

Years of Service: 2012-2020

Mary Ann Lindley is a Missouri native who studied journalism at the University of Missouri. She worked for 42 years as a journalist covering the Florida Legislature, Editorial Editor, and weekly columnist for the Tallahassee Democrat. She was elected to the Leon County Board of County Commissioners in 2012, serving the people of Leon County as At-Large Commissioner. During her eight years in office, Lindley focused on improving the quality of life through parks, accessible playgrounds, and educational youth programs. In 2013, she sponsored the Leon County Domestic Partnership Registry, which granted rights to unmarried same-sex couples whose unions weren’t recognized under Florida law. While serving as Chair from 2014-2015, she spearheaded the Leon Works initiative, Leon County’s job training program for local youth that includes the annual Leon Works Expo, where high schoolers learn about skilled careers with employers and academic institutions. Lindley retired from the Board in 2020.
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