Leading the Way

200 Years of Representation and Progress in Leon County

Manny Joanos

Manny Joanos

County Commissioner

Years of Service: 1990-1998

Manny Joanos as born in Tallahassee and graduated from Godby High School in 1974. He later attended Florida State University and was a successful restauranteur of Manny’s Restaurant. He was elected to the Leon County Board of County Commissioners and served from 1990-1998. Representing District 3, Joanos advocated for protecting the environment, which included pushing more projects to clean Lake Jackson and Lake Munson, reducing crime, improving traffic, preserving neighborhoods, and supporting private property rights. He also successfully fought for several years to open more school media centers to serve as community libraries. He was selected as Board Chairman from 1992-1993 and 1997-1998.
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