Leading the Way

200 Years of Representation and Progress in Leon County

John Dailey

John Dailey

County Commissioner

Years of Service: 2006-2018

Miami native John E. Dailey earned his bachelor's degree in political science from Florida State University (FSU), where he served as president of the Student Government Association. He later received a master's degree in public administration from FSU. He went on to work for the National League of Cities before returning to Tallahassee in 2005 to found JDA Strategies, a research and development consulting firm focused on local governance. In 2006, he was elected to the Leon County Board of County Commissioners to represent the citizens of District 3. During his 12 years in office, he supported protections for the LGBTQ+ community, addressing homelessness, and reducing crime, and pushed for the creation of the Children’s Services Council. He served as Board Chairman from 2010-2011 and 2016-2017. Dailey was elected Mayor of the City of Tallahassee in 2018.
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