Leading the Way

200 Years of Representation and Progress in Leon County

Cliff Thaell

Cliff Thaell

County Commissioner

Years of Service: 1994-2010

Cliff Thaell received a bachelor’s degree in history from the University of South Florida in 1968. He moved to Tallahassee in 1977 and opened a public relations and marketing firm. He was active in the community, serving as president of the Council of Neighborhood Associations and the Mayor’s Task Force on Crime and Drugs. He was elected to serve At Large on the Leon County Board of County Commissioners beginning in 1994. During his four terms on the Board, Thaell took a balanced approach to serving the environment and helping the County’s economy. He worked to bring high tech jobs to the community and focused on building parks, repairing roads, supporting neighborhoods, and preserving green spaces. He served as Board Chairman from 1998-1999 and 2004-2005.
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